Wednesday, December 14, 2011


I woke up at 5:00 this morning, which is 45 minutes earlier than my alarm was set for. My head felt like it was full of who knows what, so needless to say, I was not feeling like my normal happy self.

I reported to my school at 7:30 and when I went to go get my key to the room, I was able to meet the teacher I was subbing for. She was extremely nice which put me in a much better mood. She did warn me, however, that her class is extremely talkative.

After students entered the class, I instantly knew that the teacher was not lying about how much her class talked! I expected these students to talk but WOW. At one point I became so frustrated that I sent a kid to the carpet and told him not to move anymore. I felt kinda bad, but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.

The kindergarten classes in my district are half day, so I only subbed for the students until 11:30 and then I helped the afternoon teacher the rest of the day. It was a pretty easy day, but kindergarteners can sure wear me out!

A teacher asked me for my sub number and at the end of the day the secretary at the front office asked if I would be interested subbing for them a couple of days in January. That was a great feeling. I am finally feeling comfortable enough where I can talk to different teachers on all of the campuses and in doing so, they are requesting me to sub! woohoo! =)

Quote of the Day:
(Inappropriate, don't say I didn't warn you.)

Student: What is this a picture of?
Me: An elf.
Student: A milf?
Me: ...No sweetie, elf.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Special Day Class

Today I had the opportunity to sub for a special day class for the very first time.

I was a little nervous because I wasn't sure what to expect. The assignment was only half day, so I felt a little more comfortable.

Once I walked out onto the playground to meet my class I instantly felt relief. My 10 students were SOOOO adorable! They smiled at me and said hello to me.

The aides were extremely welcoming as well. I really enjoyed talking to them about their careers and I enjoyed hearing stories about the students.

One of the students would not stop eating rocks, though, and I was not quite sure how to handle the situation. Every time I told her to put the rock in the trash, she hid under the table or pretended like I was talking to someone else.

At the end of the day, we celebrated a little boy's birthday. He handed out cupcakes, and I was so glad to receive a little treat at the end of the day.

I was also able to talk to the teacher after school. He seemed so nice. During my student teaching I never had a chance to talk to him, and he seemed so humbled and willing to help. I really look forward to speaking to him again in the near future and hopefully sub for him again.

Friday, December 9, 2011

3rd Grade

Today I got to sub for the third grade class that I did my first round of student teaching with. If I am ever having a bad day, they can make it better.

I walked out to pick my students up this morning, and in unison, all 30 smiling faces ran up to hug me while yelling, "Miss. Hobbs is here!!!" A bear hug was exchanged between me and all 30 kids, which I am sure made us look like the craziest class in all the school, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

During the assembly today, five of the students in my class received an award for their amazing citizenship. Once we all went outside and parents took pictures with their students, a parent told me that they were disappointed that my master teacher was unable to be at school but was so excited that I was able to sub for the students. Students asked to take pictures with me, and although I know I will never live up to Mrs. Burke (my master teacher), it felt nice to be asked to take a picture with them. (I know, I am a little lame for being excited about that, but don't judge me!)

I think I went into teaching for my own selfish reasons. I enjoy feeling appreciated and I love feeling like I have made a difference in these kids lives. I love coming back to sub only to find these kids running towards me with excited looks on their faces. It is one of the greatest feelings ever.

Quote of the day:

(Students have a holiday shop on campus where they can buy little gifts for family members.)
Me: "Why are you pouting?"
Student: "Miss. Hobbs, they call that place a store. It is definitely not a store."
Me: "I don't understand what you're talking about."
Student: "Well at a store, you can exchange things. I tried to exchange my gift because I bought these earrings for my aunt and she does not like blue. THEY WOULDN'T LET ME EXCHANGE IT! Therefore, they ARE NOT a real store." (walks away with an angry look on his face.)

(A couple hours later)

Student: "Miss. Hobbs, I have these earrings and since they wont let me exchange it, I am going to sell these for $7.00."
Me: "Ok."
Student: "Well Miss. Hobbs, the original price was $7.75, so I am selling them for 75 cents less."
Me: "That is nice of you."
Student: "Soooooooooooooooooo, do you have $7.00?"

Thursday, December 8, 2011

8th Grade English/Social Studies

You would think that after working at Fremont Middle School, The Village Academy, and Garey High School, I would love to sub 8th grade. Although I do think that my day could be a whole lot worse, I just don't understand the mentality of the kids. Why do they need to throw paper all over the class? Are we in kindergarten?

One of my students, however, was very kind to me. I appreciated his enthusiasm about learning and the help that he offered me in the classroom. I just wish that students acted a little better when there is a sub. I mean, I under no circumstances, was the world's best student when there was a sub, but I never tried to beat someone up or leave the room a hot mess.

Nonetheless, I am glad that I was able to work with this group of students. They definitely kept me on my toes!

Picture of the day:

Friday, December 2, 2011

2nd Grade, Day 2

Quotes of the day:
"Miss. Hobbs, she just peed her pants."


Thursday, December 1, 2011

2nd Grade

Quote of the day: "Ms. Hobbs, she just said we are going to be midgets when we grow up!"

Picture of the day:

A student drew this for me after I told them that on my Christmas list, I asked Santa for a lifetime supply of chocolate chip cookies.