Tuesday, January 31, 2012

6th grade

The last two days I subbed 6th grade at two different schools. The attitude of these students was completely night and day. Yesterday the students were completely out of hand, not listening, and had an attitude on them like you wouldn't believe. Today, students listened, completed their work, and although they were a little talkative, I thoroughly enjoyed my time with them. I think that they are my favorite new class to sub (except for my third graders, obviously.)

I think that attitudes of these students has a lot to do with parent involvement. At the school I was at yesterday, it was pretty clear that students were on their own a lot of the time. Today I saw the principal walking around and interacting with students as well as family members. I remember when working at Garey High School in Pomona, students that often (not always, but often) did better in their classes had very involved parents. I feel for students that do not have parent involvement. I hope students learn how to turn themselves around before entering high school where you can be influenced by every little thing.

In other news, two of the girls in 6th grade had an ipad, several students had tablets, kindles, and one girl had an iphone. I only have one question: WHERE IS MY IPAD, KINDLE, AND IPHONE??? These kids are only 11 years old. I am 22 and I am not even close to having the funds for those items. They are lucky little children.

I am subbing another 6th grade class on Friday. Pray that the class is going to be like today, not yesterday.

Monday, January 30, 2012

6th grade

That awkward moment when a sixth grader calls you a bitch but thinks you didn't hear her.

Friday, January 27, 2012

5th Grade

As much as 5th graders have a little attitude, I totally loved them! They were so spunky and didn't cry all of the time like the k-2nd graders. =)

Quote of the day:

Student 1: Miss. Hobbs, can you come here?
Me: What's up sweetie?
Student 1: He wants to tell you something.
Student 2: No I don't.
Student 1: He said he thinks you're the cutest sub he's ever seen!
(10 minutes later.)
Student 1: Miss. Hobbs, we have a question.
Me: Ok, what?
Student 1: Go ahead, ask her.
Student 2: No, shut up.
Student 1: He wants to know if you have a facebook.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

3rd Grade

I made an unexpected visit back to my third graders class today. (YAY!)

In the mornings on Tuesday's and Thursday's students have PE for an hour. I swear these kids are the most competitive third graders I have ever met. Two of the boys in my class are die hard baseball players and if they don't win it is as though their world is going to crash down on them. Needless to say, when we play games against other classes, it's on like Donkey Kong! Today the kids played against another class in a game called Greek Dodgeball. It is similar to dodgeball with a few differences. Anyway, every time a student in my class got a student from the other class out, they made the most ridiculous face I have ever seen. One of the students has big eyes in my class, and when he got a kid out I thought his eyes were going to pop out of his head he was so excited! I know that I shouldn't pick sides and that I need to promote good sportsmanship, but my class totally killed the other team! It was a very proud moment in my early career.

One of the boys in my class complains about school ALL the time. I am pretty sure it is for attention, because he is always well engaged in activities and has high test scores. Today he kept asking me why I like school so much. I told him it is because I love to see his shining face everyday. I'm pretty sure that is the reason I like school so much. I enjoy working with students like him, regardless of how many times I wish I could tape his mouth shut because of his annoying comments. I want to be able to inspire him to like school. I just have to find a spark.

I feel like one of the students in my class always knows why I am laughing at something. Today when we were playing games, it was clear that a student had no idea how to play Heads Up 7Up, so when the kids had their heads down I started laughing. The boy walked up to me and started laughing harder than I had ever seen him laugh before. He said, "Miss. Hobbs, I don't think he understands the game at all." I love that this kid can read my mind. I wish you could all meet him, he is a trip.

When the kids were playing Silent Ball, one of the boys, the one who I think is hilarious and who I always talk about, decided not to play. One of the girls in class asked him why he wasn't playing. He responded with, "Silent Ball is for greedy ball catchers." I about laughed so hard I fell over. The whole point of silent ball is to catch the ball and not allow others to take it. So, in a sense, I guess you are being greedy, but I had never heard it broken down into those terms. Needless to say, he is not a fan of greedy ball hogs.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

1st Grade

Today was my first time subbing first grade EVER! It was only a half day assignment so it was very relaxed. I did however go back to my old elementary school.

The kids had an assembly in the morning and it was a deja vu moment for me. I only recognized a few teachers that taught at the school when I was there. I think my sister had a couple of the teachers I noticed, which felt slightly awkward but totally cool at the same time. When I was in 6th grade I never thought that I would be working with the teachers that taught my sister and I. They still have the same mascot uniform that they had when I was in school there. It made me laugh thinking about it. There is a picture of my sisters and I on my fridge. My sister, Marissa, is in the mascot uniform. Today the second graders sang about Martin Luther King. In the sixth grade, we performed for the Martin Luther King assembly, and my best friend at the time, Kaitlin, and I said part of his "I Have a Dream" speech.

Ashley, Marissa, and me from 2002:

Anyway, today the first graders were very cute!

During the assembly I had to call the names of the first graders in class receiving awards. When I walked back to sit with the rest of the class, one of the little boys was crying. I asked what was wrong and he said that he never gets awards. My little heart melted. I felt so sad for him. Hopefully next time he receives something.

Another little girl started crying during the math test. I tried helping her with the material and used my hands to help her count numbers, but she kept on crying. Poor thing. No six year old should become so upset over their schoolwork that they start to cry.

We had a little extra time so I read Green Eggs and Ham. I think the kids knew all the words without having to have me read it, but I love reading children's stories. Kids get so excited.

During reading buddies, I took the students to a fifth grade class. The teacher we went to was a teacher that taught sixth grade when I went to school. She is good friends with my sixth grade teacher, which is always nice to hear. I love connections teachers make with each other. I feel like this is a good business to make friends in.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Back to 3rd =)

For those of you that are new to my blog, or for those that have forgotten, I did my first round of student teaching in 3rd grade with the greatest students that ever walked the planet. I mean seriously, I couldn't have asked for a smarter or more energetic group of kids. They were the perfect fit for me, with a great master teacher to boot.

Anyway, today I went back and subbed for them. I feel like whenever I go back to visit or sub, I always have a sigh of relief. Although I have noticed a change in growth both mentally and physically, I still have an absurdly wonderful connection with these students which makes life so much more fun in the classroom. I start my second round of student teaching in Kindergarten at the same school on February 21st, and I am really struggling with the fact that I am not going to be with my third graders anymore. I don't want to go with another class. I want to stay with my third graders forever =(

When I picked the kids up in the morning, students all yelled "Miss. Hobbs is here!" and one of the craziest in class hugged me the whole walk back to the classroom. I find so much joy in moments like that. Not so much the hugs, but just knowing that they are excited to have me teach them is always nice. Of course, hugs are always nice.

One of my students gave me a Christmas present and today I was able to receive it. She also gave me a card. I figure that all of the candy will be eaten in a matter of weeks so to remember how cute it looks, I took a picture of it. ;)

One of my students who struggles tremendously with math completely understood the lesson today! It made my heart melt. When I was student teaching, she became so frazzled with questions that she would shut down with frustration. It made my day seeing her so excited to learn geometry. She even asked to help a struggling student in class with the problems.

There is a student in my class who makes me laugh without even trying. If you read my last blog about 3rd grade, this is the same student that tried selling me his Christmas gift that he didn't want. I come home with stories about him all of the time and crave to hear stories about him from Kristine, my master teacher, when I am not there. I think it is the fact that he is probably on a list of the top 10 smartest people I've ever met but he is trapped in an 8 year old's body. Or it could be the fact that he dances and walks like a supermodel when he thinks no one's looking. OR the fact that when he tells a speech, he makes the most serious face I have ever seen while still managing to make eye contact in a very quick fashion. Whatever the reason, I just love him. Today when the kids had to make a mnemonic device to remember the planets this was his: "My very earthly m&m just served us nine pickles." Maybe you don't find this a funny way to remember the planets, but I had to hold in a laugh as he was saying it. He also told the class that if we get too close to the sun we will explode into atoms. When I student taught in this class, I taught them part of the chapter where the learned about atoms. I am sure glad he remembered the definition; it made me feel like I accomplished something all those months ago.

I can go on and on in this blog about my students. If I didn't think you'd get bored and stop reading, I would write about all 30 kids. I go back to sub for them on February 8th and can't wait. =)

Quote of the day:
I farted on my book. Can I write about that in my book report?

Friday, January 20, 2012

Kindergarten Day 2

Today was my second day in the same kinder class.

Rather than say the word "sexy" on it's own, students began to sing "I'm Sexy and I Know It", because they said if they use the word in a song, it doesn't count as a bad word. I would expect this from a fourth grader, but I was shocked to hear this rationale from a kinder. I do remember, however, that when I was a little girl, the only time I was allowed to say "damn" was when my dad let me sing "Much Too Young" by Garth Brooks. So I guess these kids have the same mentality. Thinking about the kinders saying that they can say that word in a song makes me giggle thinking about when I said that to my dad. Good memories.

The same little boy who kept saying bad words spit in a little boy's face today. When I confronted him about it, he lowered his eyes and said he did it on purpose. Then he walked up to me and hugged me. That is the thing about little kids that I love and hate at the same time. I love the fact that although they can be little butt heads, they still try to apologize by using a physical gesture. However, I hate that they try to hug me because they make my heart melt, and I just can't stay mad at them. =)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Kindergarten Day 1

I am doing a two day sub job for kindergarten at my old elementary school! I only went there for a year, but it was nice going back for the first time today.

I think this kinder class was much better than the last one I subbed. They were all so cute. There was one little boy, though, who kept saying "bad" words.

The staff was all really nice though, which is always a relief.

Quote of the day:

Student 1: Miss. Hobbs, is sexy a bad word?
Me: Yes it is.
Student 2: Sexy-oh isn't a bad word because you add the "-oh" at the end.

Can't wait for day two tomorrow! =)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

2nd Grade

After being away from subbing for over a month, today was my first day back! I was a little nervous about going to this school because they are the highest performing school in the district, so their expectations are super high.

The kids acted just like any other 2nd grade class would though, which was a relief.

Let's get right down to the highlight(s) of my day, shall we?

1. A girl called me Miss. Hobbels all day long. I can't help but laugh thinking about it.

2. I've come to a realization that I love being called Miss. H. I don't know why, but I totally dig it.

3. The kids were trying to guess my age today. I received guesses between the ages of 19 and 41. When they guessed that my age was 41 I about had a heart attack and died. REALLY?! 41?! ...Depressing.

4. I met the principal today and he seemed so nice! I hope to work with him in the future.

5. At the end of the day students were packing up to go home and a little boy started to freak out. The school collects box tops and the little boy thought someone else stole his box top so he yelled and screamed at the little boy. If I hadn't stepped in the boy would have punched the other little kid. Anyway, after stopping the fight, the boy that kept yelling ran out of the classroom. When I went to bring him back in, he said he needed a minute to calm down, which was fine. Students were about to go home so I had them line up outside. When the little boy saw them, he ran away and then came back screaming about how much he hated the kids in the class. It was pretty intense. I feel like a second grader should never have that much anger. When I talked to the principal about it, he said that the little boy constantly has breakdowns like that. Something else around him is clearly going on, I wish I could help.

Overall, it was a very successful first day back. I really do love my job and enjoy meeting so many different children. They make me so happy.