Thursday, November 29, 2012

Geometry and AP psych

Why my old teacher has such confidence in the fact that I am able to teach his geometry class, I will never know. He remembers that I had barely passed his class, but I am not complaining because lord knows I need to keep working. I have been subbing for my former teacher, Mr. Barnes for the past three days and will finish up tomorrow. Barnes was one of my favorite teachers in high school and I am so glad we have been able to keep in touch.

For the most part he has some great classes. There is one period where I want to blow my head off but I just remind myself that I only have them for an hour and I become much more relaxed.

In AP psych I was teaching about birth order theory today. I remember that was one of my favorite lessons in that class. It is so fun to see how much you actually relate to the birth order theory. For example, if you are the oldest you are often an over achiever, you are bossy, and you are a rule follower. That totally describes me. If you are the youngest it says that you are sneaky, youre very social, and you are usually the spoiled one... totally my little sister (even if she doesn't think so =))

This is a pretty interesting website that tries to tell you whether your relationship will last or not. It was pretty hilarious to read it with students about their boyfriend or girlfriend: Birth order and Marriage Click Here

I hope the day goes by quickly tomorrow! There is a rally and after school I am going to go see Santa with my niece and Rachel! Woohoo

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Memorial for Nikita

I hate that sad things have to happen in order to surround myself with people I care so much about. Last night after I found out about my former student's death, I called my boss and talked to him for a while. I was worried about not being able to go to Nikita's memorial because I was already scheduled to work at the high school. As I was talking to Rod on the phone he told me that the students were asking about me and were upset that I never visit them anymore. I think it was then that I lost it. Once I hung up the phone with my boss I called my friend Justin and told him what had happened. We used to work together at Garey in Pomona and he had heard the news before I called him. Once he answered, he heard the tears in my voice and tried to calm me down. Justin always has a soft spot in my heart. He is by far one of my best guy friends and him and Matt get along so well. I am glad that I can have a friend like him.

I feel like I have let my students in Pomona down. I left them in order to do my student teaching and quit my job at Gear Up so that I could sub and make more money. I should have been there yesterday for my students when they found out about Nikita. That is the thing about Garey, I was able to form amazing bonds with my students. I can't believe that I wasn't there for them. Instead I was subbing for a group of students I didn't even know.

This morning I was able to take a half day from work. The teacher that I was subbing for used to be my math and AP psych teacher so he was very understanding and accommodating. I am so thankful that he was so understanding.

On the way to the memorial I picked my friend Daisy up and we headed to the school. It was like a reunion seeing my kids again. But of course there was an elephant in the room and everyone knew why we were all meeting. It was not a pleasurable encounter but I was glad I was able to see my students and friends again.

At the memorial Matt was able to take off work and my friend Justin met us there. Students from Fremont and Garey gathered in a large circle holding balloons. Several people talked about how wonderful Nikita was. I know that she would have been something great. The vague memory I have of our discussions make me remember what a kind heart she had.

I hated seeing how sad her twin sister and friends were. I felt an ache in my chest that wouldn't go away but I knew that crying would only make it worse. Students let the balloons go, teachers spoke of her amazing qualities, and friends prayed for Nikita. At the end of the memorial, the large group (there had to be at least a hundred of us) sang Nikita and her twin sister happy birthday at the time she was born. I couldn't help but let a tear fall.

I know that she is with God and is smiling down on her family, but I can't help but feel saddened that she wasn't able to experience all of the things in life that she deserved. I pray that her family members and friends are able to make it through such a tough time.

Here is a picture of some of the balloons that were let go in Nikita's honor-

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Sad Moments

I was in the middle of writing about an amazing day subbing when I received the saddest news a teacher (or anyone for that matter) can receive. My friend Priscylla posted something on Facebook informing me that one of my old students from Pomona passed away today. I called my former boss and he told me that he went to visit the family today. My student died of a diabetic coma. No one knew she was diabetic, but my boss told me when they took her to the hospital her sugar levels were at 1000. The doctors tried to revive her but couldn't. Tomorrow would be her birthday... and will be her twin sister's.

I wasn't close to this student but I remember talking to her several times during her 8th grade year when I worked at Fremont. Her and her sister were always sweet girls and she was very bright.

Tomorrow they are having a memorial service for her in the morning. I hope to be able to attend so I can be there to honor her and be there for my former students.

No one teaches you how to prepare for these types of situations.

Keep her and her family in your prayers.

Monday, November 26, 2012


I was able to observe and work with my first graders today. CUTEST. KIDS. EVER.

We had a fire drill today and on our walk back a little girl that I had last year grabbed my hand and held it all of the way back to the classroom. She is just the cutest thing ever. I was also able to work with them during their math lesson. It was amazing. I am so excited to get started.

Last year there was a little boy in the morning kinder class I worked with who liked to be mischievous. For example, I told him to put his gummy bears in his backpack outside. When he came back inside, he had a huge mouthful of gummy bears. After I confronted him about it, he put his head down, held out his arms, and jumped on my lap for a hug. Today the same little boy went on the computer to take a reading test after I told him he couldn't. When I told him that he wasn't listening to directions he put his head down and gave me sad eyes every time I looked at him. It took every ounce of strength to keep from laughing at the little guy. I just love him.

I think I have mentioned before that I am the worst person in the world at remembering names. Like seriously, I will memorize faces but if you want me to remember a name, forget about it. Luckily I have 23 kids in my class and more than half were in my kinder classes from last year. There are a few names that I am still working on but if I am able to continue to go in between now and break, I will have their names down and all will be golden in the world of Cass.

Danielle, the teacher that I am long terming for, is explaining everything for me as we go which is making me feel very safe. Maybe safe is the wrong word, but I feel like everything is going to run very smoothly because I will already know what to do. I am an extremely organized person so having Danielle spell everything out for me in detail is a great help. It just makes me that much more excited. Only a month-ish to go!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

3rd Grade

I didn't even realize how much I missed my class today. I subbed for the class I will be long terming for. Even though a few students in that class like to challenge me, I have grown quite fond of each of them.

Today, however, I did see the waterworks like 4 times. One little girl cried during the assembly because she didn't get more than one award. Other kids cried because they had to pull a card for behavior, and because they lost something. I felt like I was a therapist. It all turned out dandy in the end.

There is the sweetest boy in my class. I just love him. Today he held up a white board that said "I love Ms. Hobbs". He is my little helper too, always asking to pass out a paper or hold the door open. I know that a lot of kids in school do this, but he is just so genuine... I don't even think he realizes that he is brown-nosing. ;)

Tomorrow I should be subbing this same group half day, which will be fun. I baked them cookies for all of their good behavior lately. The last time I was there they did a good job too. If they behave tomorrow, a chocolate chip cookie will be awaiting them as they exit the classroom.

In the morning I am also going to the first grade class I will be doing my long term in. I am very excited to get to know the kids better! I baked them cookies too because I have to spoil them both ;)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Reading Specialist

I subbed for a reading specialist class today. It was interesting to say the least. Overall the kids were pretty good. One of the stories we read talked about different cultures and we had to discuss the meaning of "cultures". I said that different cultures sometimes have different foods, so for the rest of the day the kids kept talking about food from Mexico- tamales, enchiladas, tortas, burritos.... Needless to say I was hungry for most of the day and have been craving a tamale or empanada ever since. Someone feed me!!!

At the end of the day I helped the other reading teacher work with two first grade students and another little girl. They were so cute! It just made me that much more excited to start my long term. The girl I was working with, however, is eight years old and is starting her second week of school EVER! No, she hasn't even been home-schooled. Crazy right? So they have an eight year old girl in a kindergarten class for part of the day and the reading class for another part of the day. When the teacher told me she was eight years old I didn't believe it! She still looks and has the mentality of a six year old. It was crazy and really quite sad to realize that kids live in those types of situations around the world more than we realize.

Tomorrow I am subbing for a half day kindergarten class and on Thursday and Friday I will be subbing for the third graders I am doing my long term in. Then I get a whole week off for Thanksgiving break. Woohoo.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

What to do?

Since the outlook for teachers getting hired is slim to none at the moment I am weighing my options.. To go back to school, or to not go back to school- that is the question. I don't have a high enough paying job to pay off my loans, so why not go back to school? Really the only two things holding me back from going back to school are the facts that a.) I will just be adding to my loans and b.) What if a teaching job comes along and I have already started the program?

I don't know what to do! I am hoping for a little answer from up above or a sign or something.

As of right now, I have started an application for Cal State Fullerton's Higher Education program. I think I would absolutely love working in a college setting, but the drive would be really hectic if I subbed during the day and had to drive to Fullerton at night. I don't know how I would swing the drive at night while still working. BUT maybe they will have weekend classes to allow me to work during the week.

I am also thinking of applying for Cal State San Bernardino's English as a Second Language program. The program is strictly online, which is promising, and since a good majority of students are ELD here in Cali, it could be a good degree to have, right?

I need answers. I hate not having a plan or knowing what the future holds. Someone give me an answer.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Veterans Day

I subbed the second grade class that I have subbed for several times again today. They are a fun bunch but quite rambunctious. There is a little boy who follows me around and complains about everything! Relax dude, things will be ok!

At the end of the day the 2nd graders had a performance to honor our veterans. It was the CUTEST thing ever! The kids all sang songs about America and I tied red ribbons around their neck. At the end of the performance the kids all saluted the troops in the audience. I loved it.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

2 day kinder

The truth of the matter is I go through withdrawals when I am away from kindergarten for too long. Today and yesterday my friend was sick so I got to sub for her kiddos. I love going back and seeing students that I have worked with in the past. It was a fun but tiring two days and I am super exhausted.

The only downside to today was that I had to call the vice principal in for help for the first time EVER. I had a student who wouldn't follow directions, continuously crawled and hit the floor, and kept touching other students. Finally I had enough and couldn't figure out how to get this student to cooperate on my own so Letty went and got me a little help. I thought I was going to cry with frustration, but I kept my cool.

Overall it was a good two days with a couple bumps in the road.

Quote of the Days:

Boy: Ms. Hobbs, did you know that Michael Jackson is dead?!?
Me: Yes, I did.
Boy: Yeah, do you know why?
Me: I think so.
Boy: Yeah, he did so many drugs and his pasty skin made him crazy!

Sunday, November 4, 2012


Matt and I went on a field trip with his students last night. We went to a UCLA game and they killlled AZ. It was cool for the kids to see all of the hype, and to be honest I really enjoyed it as well. I loved being able to go to school at La Verne, but I think I would have also liked all of the hype of having a big football game. It was a wild and crazy time.

All of the kids knew that I was Matt's girlfriend but they still called me Mrs. Izaguirre. I loved the sound of that. Can't wait to get hitched to him one day.

Here is a picture of us before the game.

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Last night I got a call to sub for today at around 10:00. I was totally excited because this week I haven't been scheduled to work until the morning of which worries me. I need to work every day and not knowing whether or not that will happen messes with my mind. This morning at exactly 5:00 I received a phone call telling me that my assignment was cancelled! I was so upset. I spent the rest of the morning attempting to fall asleep but couldn't because I was so angry. Luckily, I did get called for a half day. Even though it wasn't a full day like I had hoped, some is better than nothing, so I will take it!

I subbed for a middle school class. As soon as I walked in the door I noticed that the teacher looked really familiar. I couldn't quite pinpoint it, but I knew that I had met her before. I could instantly tell that the students and her had a great relationship. Once she left I kept thinking about where I knew her from and then it clicked: she was my sister, Marissa's first grade teacher! I text my sister and asked her if she had a teacher by that name and sure enough, that was her! Very cool.

The fact that I have graduated college with a Master's in Education should mean that I also have a full time job by now, but I do not and I need to start paying my loans off soon. In order to do that, I need to find another way to make more money, so I have decided to open a store on Etsy with crafts that I have made. I will mainly be selling tu-tus and decorations for the home, but once I get the store up and running I will let you all know. Help a sista' out if you like some of the items. =)