Monday, December 17, 2012

Lucky Lady

I subbed for a third grade class today at my former elementary school. I had a great group of students, but nothing too exciting occurred. I can say, though, that I felt much more aware of my surroundings today, constantly looking out the window and keeping even closer tabs on my students than usual. I suppose you can say that recent events have caused me to care even more about each little one that crosses my path and appreciate each of them more.

Tonight I went to dinner with my friend Letty. Her son also came. It is always really nice to meet with her and catch up. We have a great time together. I have learned so much from her and always look forward to hearing what she has to say. I know that a lot of people do their student teaching and then never talk to their master teacher again- I have remained close with both my master teachers. Letty has already taught me so much and I know she is a big reason why I have grown to love kindergarten. She also gave me a dynamite goody bag with my favorite- nail polish, birds nest treats, and pretzels with chocolate and m&m's. I am so thankful to have a friend like Letty. =)

One of Letty's students bought me a Christmas gift! So precious. I had her brother in my kinder class last year during student teaching, but receiving a gift was totally unexpected. It is hot chocolate and chocolate... Obviously the family has learned the way to my heart. I love it.

Picture of the Day:

I'm so spoiled =)


  1. I am so sorry you've had such a rough experience with the removal of your wisdom teeth. I am pleased to learn that you're feeling more like your good old self!
    Love, Buzz
