Monday, April 8, 2013

Updating... Finally!

Hey Friends! Long time no see!!!

Sorry it took me so long to update. Lots of exciting things have been happening on my end. For starters, Matt proposed to me last month!!! We have already started planning, and 11 months from today I will be married to my best friend. How amazing is that?

As you probably know, my long term ended about a month ago with my first graders. It was really hard to say goodbye, and I cried a few times but I knew that was going to happen. My first graders were so excited to hear the news of our engagement. One of my students, Juan, asked me every morning if Matt and I could get married in the classroom before the end of the year. The kiddos loved to look at my ring. It was so cute!!! The other day I was subbing for my friend Kari and I saw my first graders at an assembly. A little girl from my first grade class looked at me and mouthed, "Miss. Hobbs, are you married yet?" I just love them... Six year olds never forget.

Getting back into the groove of subbing for different classes has been a real challenge for me. Although I enjoy getting to know different kiddos in all grade levels, I hate knowing students for a day and then going somewhere new. Luckily, I have been able to sub for Letty and Kari a couple times which is always like home when I enter the classroom. They have the cutest kids, I swear.

I have still been applying to different jobs for next school year. Keep praying, because there is one job in particular I would really love having and can't stop praying about. I have been making flashcards to help prepare me for interviews. I wish I was a better interviewer but I just freeze up when it actually comes time to talk. Of course, in the car on the way home I always remember what I should have said and curse myself for not thinking of it at the time.

Today I subbed for a junior high math class at my old jr high. It is so funny to hear kids complain about certain teachers because I remember complaining about them too. I remember one teacher specifically who I thought partnered with the devil when I was in school. I got a D in her math class and for the most part, I was a pretty good kid. Today kids were still complaining about her. It was pretty funny and just went to show that the jr high drama never ends.

Friday, February 22, 2013

The Grateful Story

My class is in the lead for the read-a-thon apparently. Which means that maybe I will be able to go in the limo to in n out with my lucky lucky kiddos! I will probably be more excited than my kids to go in a limo! I haven't been since prom. One of the other first grade teachers is only 10 dollars behind me, and we are both pretty competitive so it should be interesting to see what happens!

My friend told me about something Oprah did called "The Grateful Journal" where you write down things that you were grateful for that day. For lent this year I have decided to do that, so why not incorporate it into my blog? After all, most of the time the things I am grateful for comes from my kids.

Here is what I am grateful for today:

1. I am grateful for morning flag ceremonies on Fridays. Even though it makes us run late the rest of the day, my kids are always in a better mood. Today all 24 of us walked like a choo-choo train all the way back to class. And we walked like that again after lunch.

2. I am grateful for my friend Katie. She brought me a big bag of reese's minis... which are totally my favorite candy ever. AND it was dark chocolate reese's which were even better than regular ones. I think I gained weight. I ate so many in the morning that I didn't even eat my lunch today. FATTY PATTY CALLED AND WANTS HER CANDY BACK!

3. I am grateful for my friends Kristine and Tara who helped me with parent drama.

4. I am grateful for people checking up on me to make sure I was doing better today.

5. I am grateful for Pinterest because the art project we did today turned out looking completely disturbing, so I will need to find a new project for our board.

6. I am grateful for a teacher asking me when I would be able to sub for her, because I totally didn't think she knew I existed until today.

Quote of the Day:

(I wore my hair beach wavy today)
Student (in his Spanish accent): Ms. Hobbs, why is your hair like that?
Me: You mean wavy?
Student: Yeah, it looks weird.... I don't like it.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Thin Ice

I'm a walking piece of thin ice. If someone touches me I will crack. At least that is how I have felt all day. I felt fine this morning when I woke up but once I got to school I just wanted to cry. As soon as I entered the parking lot I just sat in my car and had to take a few meditating breaths to keep myself from feeling overwhelmed. Why do I allow myself to get so invested and worked up over things? I hate that part of me. I hate that I was so excited for this school year and now I don't know what I am feeling. I am an organized person and I am a planner. My organization and planning did not work out. Every time one of my students smiled at me today I wanted to cry. I am not ready to give them up so that I can go back to subbing random students that I have never met before... I won't even know their names. Third grade was supposed to keep that from happening. I know it is all in my head, but I just felt like everyone kept staring at me today at work... it was an awful feeling. I just feel sad. I know I am being dramatic, but I think you would feel the same if something you worked really hard for and planned for didn't work out in the end. I just wish things had turned out differently. I know that regardless of how I feel it won't change anything anymore so I am really going to make an effort and try to focus on the good. I have had an amazing experience in first grade and I work at a great school with an amazing principal.

Here are the things I am grateful for today:

1. I took my kids to an assembly this morning. It was so cute and my students were laughing the whole time. Every time one of my students would laugh, she would look at me like she was making sure I was laughing too. I loved seeing their faces light up at the world around them. I am so in love with each of my students for so many different reasons. It is hard to believe I only have three weeks left with them.

2. I have three daughters of teachers in my class. It is a little stressful sometimes but for the most part I am fine with it. Yesterday was one of the girls' birthdays. The mom came into my classroom today at recess and closed the door behind her so I immediately thought something was wrong. Then she said, "Do you know what she wished for yesterday when she was blowing out her candles?" I said, "No, what?" She said, "Well she looked at me when she was blowing out her candles and said 'Mommy, I wish that Ms. Hobbs and Mrs. Wilson can teach together. I mean, I love Mrs. Wilson, but I love Ms. Hobbs too. Can't they just teach together?'" Oh my gosh I about rolled over and balled my eyes out in the corner right then and there. I love that little girl so much.

3. I am thankful for such supportive family and friends. I sat in the parking lot at Stater Brother's tonight after fighting with the Red Box machine and cried my eyes out. Then I went to my grandparent's house and they squeezed me like only grandparents can... It is a great feeling. Then I was lucky enough to go to my best friend's house and hang out with her and her parents.

4. I am grateful for kindergarten. At least I will be able to sub for Letty's class in the future... I miss those little boogers!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Hi friends. Sorry it has taken me so long to update! I have been a busy bee. Valentines Day was amazing with my little guys. I received so many gifts from them all- I felt so so so so loved! Love them all! On Valentines Day I was also able to sign the proposal for the job share for next year which is exciting. Hopefully everything works out. I heard today that I won't be able to sign the actual contract until June or July, so that is a total bummer.

At recess three of my girls like to follow me around and hide from me when I am on duty. It has been going on for the last week or so. This morning a few more kids started doing the same thing to me. It looks like we are playing Follow the Leader and Hide and go Seek at the same time. I just love my time with my kiddos.

Today I had to take a half day and go to the doctor. I have been fighting being sick for the past few weeks and finally I decided that it was time to go and see what is up. I am glad I ended up going because it turns out that I had a little fever, an ear infection, and a sinus infection. My doctor has me on antibiotics and ear drops. I haven't been to the doctors for being sick since high school! I usually have to go once a year for an allergic reaction to sunscreen (I know, such a random thing to be allergic to) but I never go when I am sick so it was a little weird. I probably shouldn't be going to work tomorrow but I don't feel too bad and I really do not want to get behind.

On top of being sick, I found out today that I will not be doing the long term job in third grade. I have been looking forward to this since the beginning of August when I found out about it. If the teacher had waited five more days I could have taken over her class. I am so upset every time I think about not being in there, I want to cry. Earlier this year I became really close to the students in that class and it makes me really sad that I won't be able to work with them for the rest of the year. I was really relying on the financial income as well which is already stressful enough. Even though I will still be subbing, it won't be for the same amount and subbing jobs can be hit or miss without a long term job. I wish I hadn't been so emotionally invested in this. I hate the feeling I have in my gut and throat right now.

Even though I am not getting the third grade job, I am still really grateful for the opportunity that I have had in first grade. I can't imagine having a better class to be able to work with everyday. I can't believe my time with them is almost over. In three weeks I will be saying goodbye to my goobers and giving them back to Danielle. I'm not ready to say goodbye.

Quote of the Week:

For the last week whenever one of my student's sees me he says this to me:

Student- "Ms. Hobbs, I just want you to know you're my favorite sub! Totally!"

Picture of the Week:

Over the weekend Matt and I went to my friend Kristine husband's 50th birthday party. Here are a few pictures:

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


I woke up this morning with a headache. Luckily, as soon as I saw the smiling faces on my kids, I felt much better. A little girl from the class across the hall walked up to me and gave me a heart lollipop that she made last night... So sweet! The kiddos are getting really excited for Valentines Day tomorrow. It should be fun. I am making brownies with strawberry cake on it. I made it last year for Matt and he really liked it.

I received an email from my principal the other day telling me that she was really glad I took the jobshare next year. I am really excited about having a job I know I will be able to rely on once a week, but I was still really nervous about whether or not taking the job share was a good idea. Carol, my principal, said she thought taking the job share was the right decision and was really happy for me. Knowing that Carol, a person I really look up to, supported my decision made me feel that much better. Thank goodness! Also, a big thanks to family and friends who have been so supportive. Love you all! Tomorrow after school I am going in to sign the proposal! Woohoo

I am a little bummed because there is a chance that I won't be able to start my long term for third grade this year. I was really looking forward to working in third grade. I know the kids really well, and I am pretty familiar with the third grade team, so if the teacher goes out earlier than expected I am going to be super bummed. I love knowing where I am able to sub every day, and I love being able to form relationships with students when I do my long term jobs. Knowing that I am going to have to go back to subbing at random schools with kids I don't know is driving me crazy. I hate having to go to a million different schools. It is so nice to know a student's name when you enter the class and know the routine. Please pray that everything works out for me. I was really looking forward to this opportunity.

Quotes of the Day:

Student: Ms. Hobbs! He was just humping me while I was doing the splits!

Student: You look like an angel today.

Student: Ms. Hobbs, are you going to dress up nicely for the most romantic day of the year?

Picture of the Day:

My kids know that diamonds are my favorite shape, so a little girl brought me a "diamond" and a few kiddos gave me conversation hearts yesterday. Love it!

Friday, February 8, 2013


My day started off a little rocky. BUT it ended up being good.

Things started to become much better when my student walked into class and handed me a fruit cup of peaches and a spoon for snack time. SWEETEST THING EVER, RIGHT?!?

After work I met with my principal. Seriously, she is the nicest person ever. I'm so lucky I have been able to work with her.

Tonight I checked my school email, and I noticed an email! Last week I had a meeting with a teacher who was interested in a job share for next year. I didn't think the meeting went well, but tonight I was offered a 20% job for next year! The teacher said that she met with her principal and they decided that I would be the best fit for their team next year! I wasn't sure if I should accept the job because it takes me out of the running for getting a full time position, but there are no guarantees that I will be offered a full time position. The job is in the district I love and is in 2nd grade, which I also love. I think it is a great opportunity for me. I am so excited (and a little nervous to move to a school I'm not familiar with) to be taking my career one step forward and finally call myself an "official" teacher!!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you, to those of you who have always been so positive, helpful, and supportive! I really appreciate it and won't ever forget how much you believed in me. THANK YOU!

I can't believe I am going to finally be an official teacher!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Afternoon Madness

People in the office must think I am psycho. Within an hour, four of my students had to go to the health office today. DRAMA! One of my students has been sick for a few days and she kept saying she didn't feel well so I sent her to the nurse, another student either had an allergic reaction to something or has pink eye, my other student had a bathroom accident, and my other student had one of the worst bloody noses I have ever seen. My student got his bloody nose in the computer lab too, so there was no tissue to help stop the bleeding right away... I literally had him hold his head back the whole way to the nurse. Three of the four of my kids had to be sent home! My poor babies. =(

One of my students lied to me today. He was supposed to sit on the wall at recess for pushing a girl down in another class and goofing off in class. I reminded him to sit on the wall before recess and after recess I asked if he sat on the wall. He told me he did sit on the wall. Then at the end of the day two students told me that he didn't sit on the wall. Finally the student fessed up to lying to me. Little does he know, I already have a parent meeting scheduled for tomorrow after school. It should be interesting to discuss his behavior with his mom. I love this kid, but sometimes he is a little too much.

Another student of mine came back from being sick for the first time this week. Every time I walked by her she gave me a hug. So precious. I hope I have a daughter like that.

Today there was a district visit. I think everything went well. They weren't really in my room for more than two minutes, but the superintendent said hi to me and smiled. I felt a little awkward because I looked at him and said hi then walked away. I wasn't sure if I should have started up a conversation with him or if I should have been working with my kids, so I chose my kids. He seemed really nice though. They nodded their head when I let my students play "Rock Paper Scissors" to see who could go first during their partner activity. That's a plus, right? Aside from the superintendent, principal, and vice principal, I have no idea who the other people were. Good times.

After work today I met Letty for dinner. We went to the Lazy Dog Cafe. We had never been before but both of us ended up really liking it! Their happy hour for food and drinks was really reasonable too! I love being able to catch up with her over dinner. I feel like we never see each other anymore at school so it is always nice to go out with her and talk about our lives. I like that even though we are at different places in our life we still get along so well and have such a great friendship. It is so easy to talk to her. What a nice way to end my evening.

Quotes of the Day:

Student: Ms. Hobbs, you look beautiful with glasses but you never wear them! Can you PLEASE wear your glasses tomorrow?

(In the middle of our math lesson, this student raised his hand)
Student: Wow Ms. Hobbs, you look SO beautiful today.

Obviously today my kids built up my ego more than they should have =)