Monday, July 30, 2012

In sickness and in laziness...

So, I am a substitute in 3 districts now! woohoo... keep em coming, folks!

I was talking to Kristine and her husband last week and we were talking about how sad it is that I have to rely on teachers getting sick in order to get work. It is as though when I pray for work, I am really praying for a teacher to catch the flu in the middle of the night. Isn't that just crazy?

Another reason I love teaching is because I get to create friendships with amazing people. I went to help Letty and Kari set up the kindergarten classroom and then I went to visit with Kristine and her family. I had a blast! I love spending time with the new friends I have created in the teaching field over the last year. Nothing better than friends.

Etiwanda goes back to school Monday. Hopefully I will be called to sub. I have been waking up at 6:00 to prepare myself for going back to work... It is exhausting just to wake up! Next Friday a family friend, Mary, requested me to sub for her. I have known Mary forever. When I was a kid she was my CCD teacher at church. Her daughter and I were best friends for the longest time. I am so excited to be able to sub for her. =)

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Going Home

Yesterday I went on a field-trip with my old work. I worked for a grant funded program in Pomona for two years. I worked with kids in a lower income area and promoted college. The program follows kids from 8th grade to their senior year in high school. I LOVED THAT JOB!

Although students at that grade and in that neighborhood tend to have an attitude and are quick to fight, they are amazing kids. I loved getting to know them. The team I worked with became my family throughout my two years there. I would do anything for them. We worked really well together and got stuff done. It was really funny yesterday because we went to the beach and I was standing next to my boss. A guy tripped and fell on the beach; my boss and I both looked at each other and started dying laughing. My other former coworkers from a different school site looked at us and said "no wonder you two used to work so well together." It really is true, my boss and I made a great team.

Of all the jobs I have had, that is the job where I felt most comfortable with the people I was surrounded by. Everyone in the program is there for the same reason and we all truly care about each other. I was nervous to go on the field-trip because I hadn't seen my coworkers, kids, or boss in about a year but everyone treated me like I had never left.

I feel like substitute teaching is a lonely job sometimes, especially when I work at schools I am not familiar with. I am basically my own boss and I enter a school with teachers I have never met before.

I wanted to work in programs similar to the one in Pomona once I received my degree but then I went into teaching. Don't get me wrong, I love teaching but I also love working with such a close group of friends. Maybe I can still consider working for a program like this? Hopefully something will open up. I would still be a mentor at Gear Up if subbing wasn't better pay.

I loved seeing my kids, my coworkers, and my boss. It felt like coming home for the holidays!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


While tutoring an 8 year old...

Me: You can't write "peeps" in your essay instead of "people"
Kid: You're SUCH a buzz-kill!!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Master's Project!

Well, I finally finished my master's project!!! I just have to write a little paper to go with it then I will be all done!!! It feels very unreal.

Once I finish the paper and my educational psychology class, I will have a master's in education in a few weeks!!! PRAISE THE LORD!


If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions please feel free to comment on this website, email me at:, or give me a call. I would appreciate your feedback.

Friday, July 13, 2012

A new outlook

I have decided to stop feeling sorry for myself about finding a real teaching job. Although my ultimate goal isn't to be a substitute teacher for the rest of my life, after reading some of the posts from subbing, I realize how much fun I have at my job. I need to focus on all of the amazing children that I get to work with. One day my time will come. One day I will have my own class and will be able to make a tremendous difference. I just have to keep praying.

Etiwanda goes back to school in less than a month! Thank goodness! I am subbing two boys right now and although I enjoy working with them, I miss the feeling of being in a classroom with students. I know my fellow teacher friends are less than thrilled to get back to work, but I think being bored all summer makes me depressed. I constantly need to be active and working. I would be an awful stay at home mom... being in the house all day gives me cabin fever!

In other news, I am getting hired in Glendora as a sub! woohooo!

Tomorrow I am going to try to finish my website for my master's project! Letty and Kristine were a big help. I am so grateful for them. I cannot wait to be done with my master's degree the 2nd week of August! Praise the lord!!!

Friday, July 6, 2012


Well, I figure if I cannot get a real teaching job, I should make sure that I am working 5 days a week subbing next year SO I applied for a sub job in Chino Valley and I have to call next week to try to get on Glendora's sub list. I really would like to be on Alta Loma and Claremont's sub list, but they are NEVER hiring!

I can feel myself being bogged down by this whole job search. I have always been the type of person who needs to be in control of the things that are going on around me. I know that not everything in life goes the way you plan, but for me I am usually pretty good at making sure life goes the way that I plan. I mean, in college my plan was to become an RA, graduate early, get my masters, move out, and finally start my life by getting a job. EVERYTHING has gone according to plan without any bumps in the road until now. My last master's class is killing me and I cannot find a job ANYWHERE. I would like to rewind in time and pick a different major where there are jobs in the field. I think I overestimated myself.

womp womp womp.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Orientation Program Advisor

I applied for an orientation Program Advisor Position at UCR. This job would be sooooooooo fun! Please pray that I get it. I could use some good news on the job front.