Monday, December 17, 2012

Lucky Lady

I subbed for a third grade class today at my former elementary school. I had a great group of students, but nothing too exciting occurred. I can say, though, that I felt much more aware of my surroundings today, constantly looking out the window and keeping even closer tabs on my students than usual. I suppose you can say that recent events have caused me to care even more about each little one that crosses my path and appreciate each of them more.

Tonight I went to dinner with my friend Letty. Her son also came. It is always really nice to meet with her and catch up. We have a great time together. I have learned so much from her and always look forward to hearing what she has to say. I know that a lot of people do their student teaching and then never talk to their master teacher again- I have remained close with both my master teachers. Letty has already taught me so much and I know she is a big reason why I have grown to love kindergarten. She also gave me a dynamite goody bag with my favorite- nail polish, birds nest treats, and pretzels with chocolate and m&m's. I am so thankful to have a friend like Letty. =)

One of Letty's students bought me a Christmas gift! So precious. I had her brother in my kinder class last year during student teaching, but receiving a gift was totally unexpected. It is hot chocolate and chocolate... Obviously the family has learned the way to my heart. I love it.

Picture of the Day:

I'm so spoiled =)

Saturday, December 15, 2012


I am still processing what happened in Newtown yesterday and I still feel sick every time I think about it.

When I first heard the news about what was going on my mind went to my students at Solorio.

I can't imagine having something like that happen to my students or to my friends. When I heard that a kinder class was missing, I thought about what I would be feeling if Letty's class went missing. Words can't even describe what I would have felt if a class I have grown to care so much about was hurt or harmed. I have grown to love the students I work with so much that the thought of anyone harming them makes me angry and I ache.

I know I am not a parent, and I am completely aware of the fact that I have very little teaching experience, but I can also tell you that I have always been a person who loves others unconditionally (sometimes far too much). I feel for the families and children that have lost their lives and have been stricken of their innocence. I pray for the families and the children. I know that God is with them during this time. I am disgusted that people can act out in such a horrific way, but I also pray that in the future we will be able to help those with mental illnesses prior to something so awful occurring.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

1st Grade

My brain is on excitement overload right now. My long term sub job has officially been put in the system and today I shadowed Danielle to get ready to take over after break on January 7th!

I was able to finish the prep work for my first two weeks there and I taught the math lesson. Students were a little chatty while I was teaching so I am going to have to be stern when I go in next month. I am so stinkin excited. I am already in love with my class.

I have a little bit of jitters, but who wouldn't, right? I am confident that I will work well with students and know that I have support at Solorio, which is always reassuring.

After lunch today the students in first grade practiced for their performance later in the year. I thought it was hilarious. There was a little boy who dozed off like twelve times when he should have been singing, two of my kinders from last year stared off into outer space the whole time, and the hand movements were precious.

Quote of the Day:

Me: Did anything happen at lunch today?
Student: Yeah.
Me: What happened?
Student: Well, at lunch, this boy screamed the word "NUTS!" and I said don't say that word because it is a bad word because it is your private parts (takes hands and covers his privates)! So I said to the lunch lady that he said nuts and she made me change my seat!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Whine Wednesday

Today was far too intense for me. I subbed half day kinder and half day for my third graders. PHEW.

Today I had to test the kinders on their numbers. The first small group I tested was just dandy, but the other group made me want to crawl over and poke my eyes out. Getting them to write a number was like pulling teeth. It just wasn't my day. Oh, and let us not forget about the kid that asked if I was having a baby. Apparently I am becoming a fatso.

Then my third graders were a little out of control. They were great when I first got there, but after lunch students attitudes shifted. By the end of the day I was so over the tattling, calling out, and whining that I didn't let them do their art activity and instead made them clean their desks and the floor for 30 minutes. I can guarantee they will believe me the next time I tell them to listen to directions or they won't be participating in activities.

Quote of the Day:

Student: Miss Hobbs, are you single?
Me: Nope.
Student: Whaaaaat? Oh heckkk no.
Me: Why?
Student: Oh uhhh, I'm workin for someone and he's gotta know.
Me: Uhh ok.
(about an hour later)
Student: Miss. Hobbs, you gotta break up with your man, Matt.
Me: How do you know his name?
Student: I work for the big guy.
(A few minutes later I was walking around the room and I noticed that my student had made a Naughty and Nice List for Santa. See who is on it below...)

Picture of the Day:

Yes, Matt is on the naughty list. It was pretty funny. My student thought he was the funniest kid on the planet ;)... He is totally one of my favorite kids.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Bucket Fillers

There is a book for kids called Have You Filled a Bucket Today? by Carol McCloud. Aside from Love You Forever, it is totally my favorite children's book. The book talks about how everyone has an invisible bucket. The goal is to fill each others bucket with kind words and happy thoughts. People who fill their neighbor's buckets are called "bucket fillers". There are also people who are "bucket dippers"- or people who take from other people's bucket by giving negative comments to others. Although this book is aimed at kids, I urge you to always remember to at least attempt to be a bucket filler.

I subbed for Letty again today. There were 6 kids absent today! I think the flu is going around- hopefully they are back tomorrow.

I can't believe there are only 7 days left of school before break! Wahoo.

Tomorrow I am subbing half day for Letty, Wednesday is half day for Letty and my third graders, Thursday is my first graders, Friday I don't have anything yet =(. Then next week I have two half days and am visiting my first graders Wednesday. I can't believe in less than a month I will be long terming! I am so excited (but a little nervous too)!

Quote of the Day:

(If I had money, a house, and if the parent's were willing, I would totally adopt this child... his personality is hilarious!)

Me: Do you need help opening that?
Student: Miss. Hobbs, if you were my girlfriend I'd never let you go!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Feliz Blah-di-daad

Well, after three days of subbing kindergarten, today I finally found the paper that has all of the words to the Christmas songs kids need to know (thanks, Kari). So, when it was time to practice, the kids and I walked through each line together... or at least I attempted to walk through each line. They were quite goofy and giggly today, though, so it was hard to get them to listen to me sing and then have them follow. Every time I started to sing, they started to sing, then they started to laugh. Finally, I just gave up and we all ended up singing together because getting them to listen to me first and then sing was a total epic fail. At least they were having fun though.

During centers the kids are writing a letter to Santa. Some of the letters have been really funny. Kids are asking for ipods, ipads, doctor sets, and race-cars. My two favorite are below.

Yes, that says she wants a broom for Christmas. Then she told me that she was coloring Santa's mustache brown because her dad is brown. I just love that little girl.

This little girl told me she wanted a big bike, then she told me she wanted a small bike, but finally she decided that she wanted a medium size bike. Too cute!!!

Quotes of the day:

Me: You need to finish your letter.
Student: Awwwwww, Nards!!!!

Me: Ok, repeat after me- Feliz Navidad
Student: Feliz blah-didaaaaaa!
Me: Listen to what I'm saying- Fe-liz Navi-dad
Student: Feliz Plah-di-dad?

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Princesses, obviously

Happy Birthday Walt Disney!

To honor Walt Disney's birthday, the staff and students were able to dress in their Disney garb today. My friend Katie and I don't have any Disney clothes, so we improvised- I made tutus and she bought tiaras. Together we made a couple of really cool princesses. I just love us. We got some pretty crazy looks from kids throughout the day (or at least I did) but I just don't care. I love us.

At the end of the day the secretary saw me and told me that our principal almost didn't come out and take over duty for me because she thought the tutu was an exciting addition to the morning traffic. I just love the principal and staff at my school. It is such a fun atmosphere.

Here is a picture of us:

Quote of the Day:

(Student was working on counting his math and I was still wearing my tutu and tiara)
Student: Umm, Mrs... Princess? Is this right?

Monday, December 3, 2012


My friend Letty is out of town this week and Monday so I am taking over her kindergarten class. I just love this group of kids. The last time I was there they were a little crazy but today everything went really smoothly. There are only a couple rascals in my class that enjoy making me slightly loco, but I can pretty much handle the craziness.

I never thought I would say it, but I love love love kindergarten now, especially when I teach it for Kari or Letty. The kids are great and I love that I know the routine.

The students are practicing for their Christmas performance and listening to them sing the songs is pretty hilarious. I know I am supposed to help them learn the words, but I'm pretty sure they know them better than I do. Today the kids were practicing Feliz Navidad and they were looking at me like I knew the words. I seriously make up random noises when I sing that song because I have no idea what is being said. SO, if the kids end up singing the wrong words during their performance, I sincerely apologize.

Today I set up an appointment to meet with a surgeon to get my wisdom teeth removed. I have been putting this off for years, so I guess the time is now. I scheduled to get them taken out on January 2nd, so hopefully I'm hoping Ill be recovered by the time I start my long term the week after. I am cutting it close, but that is the earliest time they had. Yikes.

Quotes of the Day:

1. (Students were cutting out green trees for Christmas and a kid's hand was shaking without him realizing it)
Student: Oh my gosh MISS HOBBS LOOK- My tree is shaking!

2.)(At the end of the day there were two students waiting to be picked up by their parents)
Me: Well, I guess the three of us are just going to have to have a sleepover.
Student 1: No, we can't I snore too loud.
Student 2: Yeah, plus when I get home I need to take a POOP!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Geometry and AP psych

Why my old teacher has such confidence in the fact that I am able to teach his geometry class, I will never know. He remembers that I had barely passed his class, but I am not complaining because lord knows I need to keep working. I have been subbing for my former teacher, Mr. Barnes for the past three days and will finish up tomorrow. Barnes was one of my favorite teachers in high school and I am so glad we have been able to keep in touch.

For the most part he has some great classes. There is one period where I want to blow my head off but I just remind myself that I only have them for an hour and I become much more relaxed.

In AP psych I was teaching about birth order theory today. I remember that was one of my favorite lessons in that class. It is so fun to see how much you actually relate to the birth order theory. For example, if you are the oldest you are often an over achiever, you are bossy, and you are a rule follower. That totally describes me. If you are the youngest it says that you are sneaky, youre very social, and you are usually the spoiled one... totally my little sister (even if she doesn't think so =))

This is a pretty interesting website that tries to tell you whether your relationship will last or not. It was pretty hilarious to read it with students about their boyfriend or girlfriend: Birth order and Marriage Click Here

I hope the day goes by quickly tomorrow! There is a rally and after school I am going to go see Santa with my niece and Rachel! Woohoo

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Memorial for Nikita

I hate that sad things have to happen in order to surround myself with people I care so much about. Last night after I found out about my former student's death, I called my boss and talked to him for a while. I was worried about not being able to go to Nikita's memorial because I was already scheduled to work at the high school. As I was talking to Rod on the phone he told me that the students were asking about me and were upset that I never visit them anymore. I think it was then that I lost it. Once I hung up the phone with my boss I called my friend Justin and told him what had happened. We used to work together at Garey in Pomona and he had heard the news before I called him. Once he answered, he heard the tears in my voice and tried to calm me down. Justin always has a soft spot in my heart. He is by far one of my best guy friends and him and Matt get along so well. I am glad that I can have a friend like him.

I feel like I have let my students in Pomona down. I left them in order to do my student teaching and quit my job at Gear Up so that I could sub and make more money. I should have been there yesterday for my students when they found out about Nikita. That is the thing about Garey, I was able to form amazing bonds with my students. I can't believe that I wasn't there for them. Instead I was subbing for a group of students I didn't even know.

This morning I was able to take a half day from work. The teacher that I was subbing for used to be my math and AP psych teacher so he was very understanding and accommodating. I am so thankful that he was so understanding.

On the way to the memorial I picked my friend Daisy up and we headed to the school. It was like a reunion seeing my kids again. But of course there was an elephant in the room and everyone knew why we were all meeting. It was not a pleasurable encounter but I was glad I was able to see my students and friends again.

At the memorial Matt was able to take off work and my friend Justin met us there. Students from Fremont and Garey gathered in a large circle holding balloons. Several people talked about how wonderful Nikita was. I know that she would have been something great. The vague memory I have of our discussions make me remember what a kind heart she had.

I hated seeing how sad her twin sister and friends were. I felt an ache in my chest that wouldn't go away but I knew that crying would only make it worse. Students let the balloons go, teachers spoke of her amazing qualities, and friends prayed for Nikita. At the end of the memorial, the large group (there had to be at least a hundred of us) sang Nikita and her twin sister happy birthday at the time she was born. I couldn't help but let a tear fall.

I know that she is with God and is smiling down on her family, but I can't help but feel saddened that she wasn't able to experience all of the things in life that she deserved. I pray that her family members and friends are able to make it through such a tough time.

Here is a picture of some of the balloons that were let go in Nikita's honor-

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Sad Moments

I was in the middle of writing about an amazing day subbing when I received the saddest news a teacher (or anyone for that matter) can receive. My friend Priscylla posted something on Facebook informing me that one of my old students from Pomona passed away today. I called my former boss and he told me that he went to visit the family today. My student died of a diabetic coma. No one knew she was diabetic, but my boss told me when they took her to the hospital her sugar levels were at 1000. The doctors tried to revive her but couldn't. Tomorrow would be her birthday... and will be her twin sister's.

I wasn't close to this student but I remember talking to her several times during her 8th grade year when I worked at Fremont. Her and her sister were always sweet girls and she was very bright.

Tomorrow they are having a memorial service for her in the morning. I hope to be able to attend so I can be there to honor her and be there for my former students.

No one teaches you how to prepare for these types of situations.

Keep her and her family in your prayers.

Monday, November 26, 2012


I was able to observe and work with my first graders today. CUTEST. KIDS. EVER.

We had a fire drill today and on our walk back a little girl that I had last year grabbed my hand and held it all of the way back to the classroom. She is just the cutest thing ever. I was also able to work with them during their math lesson. It was amazing. I am so excited to get started.

Last year there was a little boy in the morning kinder class I worked with who liked to be mischievous. For example, I told him to put his gummy bears in his backpack outside. When he came back inside, he had a huge mouthful of gummy bears. After I confronted him about it, he put his head down, held out his arms, and jumped on my lap for a hug. Today the same little boy went on the computer to take a reading test after I told him he couldn't. When I told him that he wasn't listening to directions he put his head down and gave me sad eyes every time I looked at him. It took every ounce of strength to keep from laughing at the little guy. I just love him.

I think I have mentioned before that I am the worst person in the world at remembering names. Like seriously, I will memorize faces but if you want me to remember a name, forget about it. Luckily I have 23 kids in my class and more than half were in my kinder classes from last year. There are a few names that I am still working on but if I am able to continue to go in between now and break, I will have their names down and all will be golden in the world of Cass.

Danielle, the teacher that I am long terming for, is explaining everything for me as we go which is making me feel very safe. Maybe safe is the wrong word, but I feel like everything is going to run very smoothly because I will already know what to do. I am an extremely organized person so having Danielle spell everything out for me in detail is a great help. It just makes me that much more excited. Only a month-ish to go!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

3rd Grade

I didn't even realize how much I missed my class today. I subbed for the class I will be long terming for. Even though a few students in that class like to challenge me, I have grown quite fond of each of them.

Today, however, I did see the waterworks like 4 times. One little girl cried during the assembly because she didn't get more than one award. Other kids cried because they had to pull a card for behavior, and because they lost something. I felt like I was a therapist. It all turned out dandy in the end.

There is the sweetest boy in my class. I just love him. Today he held up a white board that said "I love Ms. Hobbs". He is my little helper too, always asking to pass out a paper or hold the door open. I know that a lot of kids in school do this, but he is just so genuine... I don't even think he realizes that he is brown-nosing. ;)

Tomorrow I should be subbing this same group half day, which will be fun. I baked them cookies for all of their good behavior lately. The last time I was there they did a good job too. If they behave tomorrow, a chocolate chip cookie will be awaiting them as they exit the classroom.

In the morning I am also going to the first grade class I will be doing my long term in. I am very excited to get to know the kids better! I baked them cookies too because I have to spoil them both ;)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Reading Specialist

I subbed for a reading specialist class today. It was interesting to say the least. Overall the kids were pretty good. One of the stories we read talked about different cultures and we had to discuss the meaning of "cultures". I said that different cultures sometimes have different foods, so for the rest of the day the kids kept talking about food from Mexico- tamales, enchiladas, tortas, burritos.... Needless to say I was hungry for most of the day and have been craving a tamale or empanada ever since. Someone feed me!!!

At the end of the day I helped the other reading teacher work with two first grade students and another little girl. They were so cute! It just made me that much more excited to start my long term. The girl I was working with, however, is eight years old and is starting her second week of school EVER! No, she hasn't even been home-schooled. Crazy right? So they have an eight year old girl in a kindergarten class for part of the day and the reading class for another part of the day. When the teacher told me she was eight years old I didn't believe it! She still looks and has the mentality of a six year old. It was crazy and really quite sad to realize that kids live in those types of situations around the world more than we realize.

Tomorrow I am subbing for a half day kindergarten class and on Thursday and Friday I will be subbing for the third graders I am doing my long term in. Then I get a whole week off for Thanksgiving break. Woohoo.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

What to do?

Since the outlook for teachers getting hired is slim to none at the moment I am weighing my options.. To go back to school, or to not go back to school- that is the question. I don't have a high enough paying job to pay off my loans, so why not go back to school? Really the only two things holding me back from going back to school are the facts that a.) I will just be adding to my loans and b.) What if a teaching job comes along and I have already started the program?

I don't know what to do! I am hoping for a little answer from up above or a sign or something.

As of right now, I have started an application for Cal State Fullerton's Higher Education program. I think I would absolutely love working in a college setting, but the drive would be really hectic if I subbed during the day and had to drive to Fullerton at night. I don't know how I would swing the drive at night while still working. BUT maybe they will have weekend classes to allow me to work during the week.

I am also thinking of applying for Cal State San Bernardino's English as a Second Language program. The program is strictly online, which is promising, and since a good majority of students are ELD here in Cali, it could be a good degree to have, right?

I need answers. I hate not having a plan or knowing what the future holds. Someone give me an answer.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Veterans Day

I subbed the second grade class that I have subbed for several times again today. They are a fun bunch but quite rambunctious. There is a little boy who follows me around and complains about everything! Relax dude, things will be ok!

At the end of the day the 2nd graders had a performance to honor our veterans. It was the CUTEST thing ever! The kids all sang songs about America and I tied red ribbons around their neck. At the end of the performance the kids all saluted the troops in the audience. I loved it.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

2 day kinder

The truth of the matter is I go through withdrawals when I am away from kindergarten for too long. Today and yesterday my friend was sick so I got to sub for her kiddos. I love going back and seeing students that I have worked with in the past. It was a fun but tiring two days and I am super exhausted.

The only downside to today was that I had to call the vice principal in for help for the first time EVER. I had a student who wouldn't follow directions, continuously crawled and hit the floor, and kept touching other students. Finally I had enough and couldn't figure out how to get this student to cooperate on my own so Letty went and got me a little help. I thought I was going to cry with frustration, but I kept my cool.

Overall it was a good two days with a couple bumps in the road.

Quote of the Days:

Boy: Ms. Hobbs, did you know that Michael Jackson is dead?!?
Me: Yes, I did.
Boy: Yeah, do you know why?
Me: I think so.
Boy: Yeah, he did so many drugs and his pasty skin made him crazy!

Sunday, November 4, 2012


Matt and I went on a field trip with his students last night. We went to a UCLA game and they killlled AZ. It was cool for the kids to see all of the hype, and to be honest I really enjoyed it as well. I loved being able to go to school at La Verne, but I think I would have also liked all of the hype of having a big football game. It was a wild and crazy time.

All of the kids knew that I was Matt's girlfriend but they still called me Mrs. Izaguirre. I loved the sound of that. Can't wait to get hitched to him one day.

Here is a picture of us before the game.

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Last night I got a call to sub for today at around 10:00. I was totally excited because this week I haven't been scheduled to work until the morning of which worries me. I need to work every day and not knowing whether or not that will happen messes with my mind. This morning at exactly 5:00 I received a phone call telling me that my assignment was cancelled! I was so upset. I spent the rest of the morning attempting to fall asleep but couldn't because I was so angry. Luckily, I did get called for a half day. Even though it wasn't a full day like I had hoped, some is better than nothing, so I will take it!

I subbed for a middle school class. As soon as I walked in the door I noticed that the teacher looked really familiar. I couldn't quite pinpoint it, but I knew that I had met her before. I could instantly tell that the students and her had a great relationship. Once she left I kept thinking about where I knew her from and then it clicked: she was my sister, Marissa's first grade teacher! I text my sister and asked her if she had a teacher by that name and sure enough, that was her! Very cool.

The fact that I have graduated college with a Master's in Education should mean that I also have a full time job by now, but I do not and I need to start paying my loans off soon. In order to do that, I need to find another way to make more money, so I have decided to open a store on Etsy with crafts that I have made. I will mainly be selling tu-tus and decorations for the home, but once I get the store up and running I will let you all know. Help a sista' out if you like some of the items. =)

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

High School Halloween

Well, I spent Halloween at my high school alma mater. I don't remember seeing my high school teachers dress up, but this year was no joke. I think there were more teachers dressed up than there were students. I remember my senior English teacher was totally into the Renaissance and after seeing his costume this year, he is still quite interested in that era. Other exciting costumes from the staff included: a jar of pringles, Super Subfinder Girl, Flo from Progressive, a witch, and many many more!

Students also dressed up. There was a student who showed up in a full on Belle Princess costume. I know it is kind of mean of me, but I totally started cracking up when I saw the costume. Really? You're in 11th grade and you look like a cheese ball. More power to her for dressing up.

I wish I would have known that the staff dresses up. I have been trying to dress up as Big Bird for years now but haven't really had a chance to wear a costume. This year could have been my chance! Arghhh.

Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


As a sub, I always have to stay on my toes. You never know who is going to walk in the room and observe you.

I knew that a sixth grade teacher I had was now a principal, but last I heard he was at another school. I was wrong. In the middle of me teaching a math lesson to third graders, he walked in and both of us were surprised to see each other. He said hello and gave me a smile and I reciprocated the gesture then got back to teaching assuming he was going to leave. I was wrong again. He took an empty desk and observed me for the remainder of the lesson.

My reading teacher in the credential program always told us that during our first few years as a teacher, we are going to sweat whenever we were observed. During my student teaching I didn't really get nervous while being observed because Judy and Carol were so awesome, but today was an entirely different story. I could feel his eyes watching me and students as I taught the lesson on rounding. Thank goodness I turned the air conditioning on (even though it was like 62 degrees outside) because I started to sweat like a sicko! So disgusting, I know. My reading teacher sure knew what she was talking about.

Monday, October 29, 2012

The List

Bullying. Everyone has heard of the word, and everyone knows that it is becoming a popular topic in schools. The question is: WHY is bullying becoming more common now than ever? Or was it just swept under the rug before?

Today at school a boy wrote a list with another kid's name on it. He is a sweet kid, and I have worked with him several times this year, but apparently another kid keeps threatening to throw dodge-balls at his head. My student took out his anger by writing the other student's name over and over again on a piece of paper. What would have happened next if the paper hadn't been found and the problem hadn't been addressed right away?

It saddens me to think that bullying is becoming so popular.

I wish I could make his pain go away.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Tips of the Trade

I met with the principal from the school I had my interview with today. She is one of the nicest administrators I have ever met. I think that given different circumstances, we would become close friends. She told me that she has no doubt in my ability to be able to teach students, be likeable, and to connect with students, but she gave me additional tips to help me in an interview in the future. The things she had to say to me were so kind that I wanted to crawl on the floor and cry because I haven't heard such kind words in a really long time. I decided against the crying because that would be weird... and I don't want to be weird in front of a stranger. She could tell that I was a new teacher and gave me a lot of advice to help me in future interviews. She also told me that I was chosen out of 169 people for an interview, which is a feat within itself. Although I wasn't a good fit for the position I applied for, she said that she would keep her ears open and would recommend me for positions that she came across in the future. It was really reassuring to receive such positive feedback from a person I have only met twice. I sent her an email thanking her for offering me her time and for helping me in more ways than one but I don't think words could describe the gratitude I feel towards her. People like that don't come around often. She deserves a prize.

After my meeting I went to work for a half day. I subbed for a class that was quite rambunctious. There is a student who is super allergic to certain things, and if it touches him, he will die within minutes if he isn't treated properly. I was kind of worried about it when I got there but everything ended up working out just fine. No deaths occurred on my watch today, which makes for a successful day in my book.

It was also Red Ribbon Week this week. Today was the last day and the school dressed up in orange and black. Katie found some pretty amazing bows to put in our hair. I felt like Minnie Mouse with curly hair and a cute bow. I just love being twinisies with her.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Like a Punch to the Stomach

Well, I officially received word that I didn't get the position in Monclair. I didn't think I'd feel so depressed because I pretty much already knew that I didn't receive the position. The principal said I was a strong candidate and will keep my name out there. I am meeting with her tomorrow to discuss my interview. I feel so down in the dumps.

I subbed half day for the same 2nd grade class I subbed for a couple weeks ago. They exhaust me. I feel like I cannot breathe because they are so needy. Don't get me wrong, they are a cute bunch, but they follow me around everywhere asking the most ridiculous questions. If one more student asked me if they could sniff the smelly markers, my head was going to explode. At the end of the day we finished 30 minutes early so I put on a movie that the teacher left. Those 30 minutes were like pieces of heaven. Only a few kids asked me off the wall questions so I was able to enter my zen and relax.

Quote of the Day:
Student 1: Oh my gosh Ms. Hobbs, what the heck happened to your glasses?
Student 2: Yeah, I thought you wore them every day.
Me: No silly, I wear contacts sometimes too.
Student 2: Ohhhh ok. You look younger without them.
Student 1: Yeah and way prettier. You know what they say about young teachers!
Me: No, what do they say?
Student 1: Well, the younger the teacher, the longer they teach.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Cake Decorating

I remember when I was in first grade and my mom gave me an angel food cake to decorate at Stork Elementary School for the cake decorating contest and school fundraiser. I was (and still am) a total girly girl and I decorated the cake in all blue and set a mermaid barbie on top. I didn't win the contest, but I will never forget feeling like a rock star decorating that cake. I'm pretty sure that no one placed a bid on the god awful looking cake and I didn't win any awards, so my parents had to buy it to take home. Thanks mom and dad!

Today I subbed at my old elementary school and they had their cake decorating contest. I didn't participate in the cake decorating at the school when I went because I had just transferred and was pretty shy. The cakes all turned out super cute!!! I also got to help judge the contest and choose the best ones. They were all so stinkin clever, it was hard to decide!

The class I subbed for was the 5/6 combo class that I have been in several times this year. They are such an amazing group of kids. They are one of the only classes that I love teaching math to because they ask important questions and are interested in the information that is taught. Each student brings so much excitement to the class that I forget I am actually there to teach. Things just run so smoothly; it is like teaching them comes more naturally than usual. We can be goofy but still get work done and students know when it is time to gear up and get serious. I just love working with them.

Here is a picture of some of the cakes:

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

4th Grade

Subbing for little angels is always a blessing! I subbed 4th grade today and the kids were amazing! They got to work quickly and quietly and if they finished early they didn't ask what they were supposed to do. It was awesome.

The school I was at has a PE teacher for each class. I think that is pretty amazing. The kids love having a PE teacher a few times a week that teaches them all sorts of new games while still working them out. I wish all districts could afford that for each of their schools.

Im not sure if I have a cold or if my sinuses are playing games with me, but I have been feeling really cruddy since last Thursday. Yesterday I was finally feeling better but this morning at about 8:00 I keep sneezing and have a sinus headache. If the class wasn't better today, I think I would have cried my way through the day.

I am in bed now, so hopefully a little R&R will spunk me up and get me ready for tomorrow!

Monday, October 22, 2012


I subbed for a jr high English class today. The neighborhood has a lot of Latino and African American children and at one point, when students entered the classroom, the first thing I heard a student say is "Oh my God, a blonde white girl is our sub today. Ask her what color her eyes are." It was pretty awkward. The kids are really nice when I talked to them one on one but they loved loved loved to push my buttons (as do all jr high students). The teacher next door heard how loud they were being and told me to send them to his class if they couldn't pull it together. Luckily, I only had to send two kids to him, so it wasn't too bad. The teacher I subbed for was really sick and didn't send me her lessons until five minutes before the bell rang, which made it a little hard to make 150 copies before first period. Overall though, it was an ok day. Nothing really exciting or funny happened, but we did get out two hours earlier than I had been scheduled for, which is always exciting!

I have been reading a book called The Time Keeper by Mitch Albom. I am only a little more than half way through the book, but the meaning of the book is very clear- God has a plan and we as people, are so focused on worrying about what is going to happen tomorrow, or in a week, or a year, that we forget to focus on what is going in our life now and be thankful for the little moments. It has made me reflect on my attitude these past few months, and I do not like it. We need to stop playing with time. From now on, I am going to focus on myself and stop longing for other people's opportunities. I have been offered several opportunities in the near future that I am extremely excited for. I appreciate the things I have been given and am working hard to earn a position in education. Education is all about supporting each other, and I am going to focus on that more, instead of being envious or wishing for more than what I have. I have an amazing family, loving boyfriend, and a dynamite set of friends. Eventually everything will work out. I feel good. (Sorry for all the run on sentences- deep thoughts don't allow me to have proper sentence structure)

Friday, October 19, 2012


I subbed the third grade class that I will be long terming for today. As you are fully aware, I have already subbed them several times but today something was different. I felt like I am actually starting to form relationships with each student in the class. Learning their names has helped a lot (I am awful at remembering names). I feel like I didn't have to keep telling students to be quiet or behave in an appropriate way like I normally would. I also met a parent today after school who was extremely nice. It is helpful to know that parents really do care about their child's success in school. Today was just what I needed to give me that spark again. I loved it!

My friend Katie and I decided to dress alike today for work. We made cool bows like we used to wear in AYSO soccer. Katie is doing a long term sub job at Solorio. Hopefully she will still be there when I start my long terms. It is nice to be able to talk to her. We both went through the credential program at La Verne together and did our student teaching together. Here is a picture of us...

Well, I have been avoiding this topic but now I feel comfortable enough to discuss it. I suppose. Last week I went for an interview at a middle school for an ELD position. I haven't really mentioned it to very many people because I don't want sad puppy eyes from people if I don't receive it- I just feel worse about myself. Although the position isn't one that I particularly have always dreamed of, I know that if I receive it, I will be able to pursue all of the things I have been waiting for. I know that I am young and I have a lot of life ahead of me but I also know the things I want in life. I am ready to have a "real" job, get married, buy a house, have kids, etc., but until I have a job I can't have any of that which is really quite frustrating! Unfortunately, I haven't been offered the job and it has been a week. I talked to my references and they haven't been contacted, which pretty much tells me that I didn't get the job. I am ok with not receiving the position, because after the day like I had today, I know that eventually the right position in the right school will come along. I just wish that I was able to have those things mentioned above without having to wait even longer, but it is looking like it will be quite a long wait. All I can do is keep working my bum off and continue to pray.

Thursday, October 18, 2012


Every human on the planet has flaws. Obviously you already know that. I have weird flaws that people may not expect of me. I become extremely nervous and very quiet around people I am not entirely comfortable around. If you know me, you know that it is not my personality at all. I like to be loud and fun, but only with people I am comfortable around. I am also a very sensitive person but I am good at hiding it when I am in public. I become offended easily and seek other people's approval constantly. I know I should seek approval from myself before others, but my brain isn't wired that way and I hate it. Maybe it is low self-esteem, or maybe it is just because I like to please others, I am not really sure. Those really aren't the greatest qualities to have as an educator. I already know that my flaws force me to become overly emotional in certain situations and it causes me to over analyze everything I do. I really wish I didn't over think the way I perceive how people feel or think about me. I don't even know why I am writing this on here.... so let's move onto a more exciting topic.

I subbed 4th grade today. A few of my students from last year were in the class again. During the math lesson I was reviewing information on a test and I found myself having flashbacks of teaching my third graders from last year. I miss them. I miss laughing with them and joking around with students about Jesse's obsession with Selena Gomez. I miss my kindergarteners too... I want them back. I miss it all. I found myself in such a melancholy mood after class because I couldn't stop missing last year. I hate having to move to a new classroom each day with a new set of kids... I want to make a connection with students like I did last year during both rounds of my student teaching.

It is pretty amazing to see how much more mature students have become in such a short amount of time. One of my students used to be a little wild child and never wanted to do work, but now he is so calm and relaxed and offers to help when needed. I am so proud of him and the other students for growing up so much. I know they are going to become even more amazing as they continue through their journey.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


I subbed half day kinder for Letty today. I don't know the morning class as well as the afternoon class, but they are still a really cute bunch. I stayed for about a half hour in the afternoon and tested a few of them. Students had to count from number one and try to count as high as they could without messing up. Some students couldn't count very high while some others counted all the way to 100! It was so cute to see the kids defeat their worst counting fears! A little boy's face completely brightened when he realized he had actually counted to 100. I wanted to squeeze his little cheeks. So cute!

On Facebook the other night, I posted that I couldn't wait until the election is over so that people will stop posting rubbish on Facebook about their political views. My friend Kristine has now since been posting political nonsense on my page and has been trying to turn me into a political fanatic. It is pretty hilarious because I really am not a very political person at all. I have certain beliefs and views about things, but I don't really talk about them openly with people. Anyway, it was pretty funny because her class looked at me like I was crazy when Kristine made fun of me while I was in the classroom. I just love our relationship.

I saw my former adviser, Judy, today. I swear seeing her is like a breath of fresh air. She knows all about the system of education having been a teacher, administrator, and college professor throughout her career. Although she tells me facts like it is, she is one of the nicest and most caring people on the planet. Today after talking to her, she helped me to remember that eventually things will turn out the way I have always hoped, but for right now, I need to take life as it comes and enjoy the little things. I am so glad I saw her.

Oh, and I got my hair done today. Added some blonde and got a trim. It was finally time for a little change!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Waiting with a Happy Heart

In kindergarten we always tell impatient students to "wait with a happy heart" until it is time to move on. I regret saying that to every kindergarten student I have ever told that to. I am a hypocrite- I hate waiting for answers on things I am so desperately interested in.

I need answers, people!

In other news, I subbed for a 2nd grade class today. A student told me that her little sister sunk in the pool. I was too afraid to ask what exactly that meant because of the horror I saw in her eyes. That about sums up my day.

I will be at Solorio for the rest of the week, which I am quite excited about. I miss my teacher friends and favorite students.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

5/6 Combo

I have a love hate relationship with subbing students while their teacher is still in the classroom. I feel like I step on toes if I am teaching while the teacher is still in there or like I am taking up space if she/he is teaching. At the same time, though, I like seeing how the teacher interacts with their students because it helps me get a feel for how I should work with students and what they are used to.

Today I subbed for a fifth grade/ sixth grade combo class. They are a fun group of kids. Every time I work with them math gets pretty crazy. I really have to gear up and put my thinking cap on for them. I drown with questions from both grade levels and math is totally not my thing. Thank goodness for answer keys because I can work backwards and figure out how to complete the problem.

After I was there for a little while today I took the students to the library. When I attended that school, the library was where the teacher's lounge currently is and now the library is where a first grade class used to be. I remember that class because in sixth grade one of my classmates, Steven, fell into the pool and drown right before the mailman found him and tried to save him. Steven's little brother was in that first grade classroom. I used to go in every day during lunch and help the teacher organize and grade. I think that year I realized that I wanted to help kids when I grew up. Up until a couple years ago I wanted to be a counselor, but with the budget cuts, I chose teaching (I know, like that is any better.). One day I hope to get my counseling credential and I know it has a lot to do with me wanting to help families like Steven's.

It is crazy the things I remember from that year. I had just moved to my town and switched schools. I didn't know who the boy in my class really was, but I remember seeing the pain in his mother's eyes after he died. I wrote a story about a magical kite who went up in the sky and didn't want anyone to be sad for him. When my classmate's mom read the story she brought me a pink guardian angel statue and gave me a hug. I still have that statue. I hope I can one day put it in my daughter's room as a sort of guardian angel.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


An event on Friday could possibly change my life and pick things up for me.

Please say prayers that things turn out for the best. If you don't pray, please send good vibes my way.

And before you ask, No I am not moving, getting engaged, getting married, or pregnant.

Thanks friends!

5th Grade

I subbed 5th grade today. They were less than cooperative. I had a kid who honestly had no idea how rude he was being and a girl who followed me around ALL day long. Dang girl, take a seat! I survived though, and tomorrow I am subbing at my old elementary school for a fifth/sixth grade combo class that I subbed for a few weeks ago. They were a fun class so I am excited to see them again.

I have been going to the gym lately and today I feel like I cannot move. I am pretty proud of myself because I haven't been this sore in a long time and usually it takes someone to force me to work out to become sore... so hopefully I will start to get fit again. We will see though. I hope I can get out of bed for work tomorrow morning.

A kid asked me if I was Taylor Swift today (I had curly hair today). I wasn't sure if I should have been flattered or embarrassed by that question.

Friday, October 5, 2012


The truth of the matter is Letty has the cutest kinders ever this year. There really isn't much to say. Yes, they get quite chatty and are still most definitely little babies, but their comments make it all worth it. Today the new little boy in class started to cry right after we finished with journals. I felt a little strange because I was trying to figure out what was wrong with him but he just kept crying and starting at me and then he hugged me and cried some more. Poor baby. In the next ten minutes he was fine though, thank goodness.

Quote of the day:

(Student was eating flaming hot cheetos)
Student: Man, some women are hotter than cheetos!

Thursday, October 4, 2012


If you knew me in high school then you already know that I am the most uncoordinated person on the place of the earth and I HATE running with the passion. At 2:30 this morning I couldn't sleep and still didn't have a job for today (which is probably why I couldn't sleep) so I checked online and found an open job at a middle school in Glendora. I noticed that it was a half day sub job as a PE teacher. I figured half day is better than no day and even though it was PE I desperately need the money, so I snagged the job and fell back into a peaceful slumber.

The day really wasn't bad at all. I have never subbed PE in my life so I had no idea what to expect. After years of being away from a locker room, I was quickly reminded of how it smelled of gross feet and sweat. It really isn't the best feeling in the world but the kids were nice so it was ok. I guess the 7th graders have been having pantsing each other so the principal had a big meeting with each period about sexual harassment and inappropriate behavior. It was actually pretty funny to watch. As soon as the principal mentioned pantsing, all of the students eyes popped out of their head and a nervous laughter filled the gym. It brought me back to times when some of my friends and I nervously laughed our way through Jr. High. Poor kiddos are just so awkward.

Anyway, during my last period of the day I was taking scores of people running and all of the sudden I felt a warm drop land on my arm. A BIRD POOPED ON MY ARM! I was freaking out on the inside and I'm pretty sure my eyes popped out of my head but I remained calm. Matt's grandma's house is right down the street and if I hadn't been responsible for 43 kids, I probably would have ran to my car and driven to her house to shower. I was so grossed out. The worst part is the school has three levels. I was on the second field level where there was no water or soap so I had to wipe my arm on a fence to get it off. You can bet your bottom dollar that I was the first person to get in the locker room and apply generous amounts of soap and water to my arm. As soon as I was able to leave I jumped in my car and sped home. I swear I must have washed my arm like 30 times today fearing I would forever have bird poop germs on me.

Tomorrow I am subbing for Letty's kindergarten class. I have already subbed in there several times, and tomorrow is fun Friday which is always a hoot. I wish that Fontana was closer to Chino Hills though because I was supposed to watch baby Caya after work for a little while but I won't be able to make it in time to head over there. I watched her on Monday and yesterday though. That newborn is the most beautiful thing on the planet. She fell asleep in my arms yesterday and I just about melted.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Student Teacher

I subbed for Matt's aunt's sister today. I have subbed for this class before and they are totally amazing. I love going in there. Much to my surprise, today was a short day which was totally awesome! We got out of school at 12:30 so I was able to come home and do some much needed laundry. I felt kind of bad because there was a student teacher who took over everything all day. I felt like dead weight... I didn't want to step on her toes by helping too much but I didn't want her to think I was totally lazy by just sitting in there doing nothing. I hope I wasn't too annoying. The kids were great.

I really hope that jobs for teachers turn around soon. I got another denial email today about a teaching job. It is really discouraging. Yes, people are saying that there are older teachers who are going to retire, however, the packages for retirement really aren't in anyone's favor right now so teachers aren't retiring. I just want a job already! I feel like I would be able to do all of the things I am ready for if I was able to have a full time teaching job. I know everyone has said that things take time, but I really am one of the most impatient people on the planet. I like for things to go according to plan and right now they are not. I mean, I sped through college and fast tracked not only my undergraduate degree but my master's degree as well so that I could get a job and start a life BUT this economy is failing me and my plans for the future. Don't get me wrong, I am extremely thankful for the long term sub jobs that are in the near future and for the friendships and relationships I have built with staff members at the schools I am working at, but I just wish things were more stable for me. It is very hard to plan a life when you have no idea what tomorrow is going to bring. A miracle will happen someday, I am just getting tired of waiting for that someday.

Monday, October 1, 2012


Hi Friends,I apologize for taking so long to update my blog. I have been a tad occupied with my new Kindle! I was talking to my stepmom about my lifelong distaste for reading but can honestly say that I read the 50 Shades of Grey Trilogy in a little over a week. Clearly the kindle was the best buy I have ever made, and the books were totally worth the read... if you like those kind of books. I must say that while reading the books I have officially been found guilty of being very sheltered in all things pertaining to "romance" and I am perfectly ok with that. That is about as far as I will discuss this topic. I recommend the book and cried at the end because I became so attached to the characters... I didn't want it to end!

Anyway, enough of my ranting about that. Today I subbed for a first grade class. Cute kids, I must say. They were chatty but honestly, who isn't chatty anymore? I have decided that this school year is just full of extremely chatty classes. It is sad, but I must get over it and just have fun with the kids. Today a kid went on and on and on about how he was going to go to Tokyo with his family and will have to miss school. Sadly, I had to turn down the invitation to go on the trip with him and his family.

I never understood why teachers tell me that they have to plan their pregnancies to be just in time for the summer months until today. I watched Caya today after work and am in total awe in regards to how attached I am to her. When I have kids it will have to be around summer time so that I don't take 2 months off for maternity leave and then have to go back to work right away. I will need to plan it just right so I can take the two months off and have all of summer with the new kid. I doubt this plan will work, because most of my plans end up being a bust, but a girl can dream. Don't worry, babies are a very long ways away for me.

Quote of the day:

Me: Finish your coloring, Buddy.
Student: ...But you're just so beautiful!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Pits Up

As an educator, I realize that all of you parents think that your child is perfect. You probably think that they even smell perfect. Well, as a person who cares about your child but knows the truth, let me fill you in on a tiny secret: your child will not smell perfect forever. Once they hit the fourth grade (or in some cases third grade) please tell them to lift their arms so you can teach them how to apply deodorant. Degree, Secret, Old Spice, I really don't care; just pick one and have them wear it every day.

I subbed fourth grade the last two days. For the most part it went smoothly. Today kids started talking back to me and I totally wasn't having it. I am becoming excellent at perfecting my evil glare. I did, however, have some of my third grade students from last year in my class which was totally awesome. I missed them so much. It kind of makes me sad because they have all changed so much in such a short amount of time. I don't want them to grow up. I'm really glad I was able to be in the classroom with them today. What a great experience to see how far they have already come since last year.

Tomorrow I am subbing at UHS. It is always awkward to run into my former teachers. I tend to hide in the classroom all day.

Quotes of the day:

You look like the next Miss. USA!

Miss Hobbs, I loved you when you were my student teacher and I loved you as my sub. Can you come back tomorrow?

Monday, September 24, 2012

Say a prayer real quick for me! I'm hoping something good is brewing!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Meet Caya!

Today and yesterday was fab! I would have posted about my day yesterday, but after reading this post you will know why I didn't update the blog.

I was a roving sub yesterday and went to two different schools. My first class had me a little worried because the teacher told me that her class is totally crazy this year and she had to leave early yesterday because they were so awful. Luckily, the class was amazing for me, so I was totally thrilled.

At the second school, the kids were a little crazy but it was still ok. I probably would have turned mega mean on them if I hadn't checked my phone and noticed that I had two text messages waiting for me. While the students were taking their multiplication test, I checked my phone and noticed it was from Matt's cousin and Matt's aunt. If you don't know, Matt's cousin was expecting a baby. The texts told me that the baby was coming!!! Oh gosh, I'm not even technically related to this kid but I almost peed my pants with excitement right there in the classroom. I got to thinking and thought that Rachel and Jo were playing a trick on me because I kept bugging her and we kept joking back through text message about if the baby was coming. Well, they weren't joking! As soon as the kids were done taking the test, I couldn't hold in my excitement any longer so I told my class that I was going to be an auntie in a couple of hours! The girls all said ooooh and ahhhh and the boys all cheered. In actuality, I doubt they cared and just wanted an excuse to make noise, but I didn't care.I know I am not technically the auntie, but when Rachel first found out that she was pregnant her and Brian said I would be Auntie Cass, and I gladly take on that role. I have always wanted to be an auntie.

Caya didn't come until this morning at 10:59. Matt and I got there right before she was born. I really am truly so in love with this little girl already. She is one of the most beautiful babies I have ever seen. I swear when I held her for the first time and I looked at her puffy little lips, I almost cried. Such an emotional day and it wasn't even my kid! I can't wait to see her again on Monday.

I'm such a lucky auntie!

Beautiful isn't she??

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Make Changes

I was able to get to know the first graders a little bit better today. They are so fantastic and ready to learn. Seriously, the cutest kids ever. I really cannot wait to teach them!

I think one of the things I need to work on most as a teacher are things I say to them. Last year when I was student teaching, I was able to joke around with my students and call them goofy names which was fine. This year I feel like students are very sensitive. Today I was joking with a third grader and I said "Stop making such weirdo noises!" The student got realllly upset. I know this is something I need to work on and I have been doing much better with it but today it just slipped out! I still feel so bad because it was clear that the student was taken off guard and I hurt his feelings. I apologized and was able to talk to the student about it, but I am still aware that I need to think about how I present things before I speak. Ughhh. I feel so bad, I want to cry. I guess all I can do is keep trying to be aware of the things that I say and how I say them. I am such a worry wart. I hate making kids feel upset. That was totally not my intention

Quotes of the Day:

Me: Great job buddy!
First grader: Thanks, I am good at math because my daddy is too.

Third grader: Wow, you have the same key chain as a lady I know but she's old so it's not as cool.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


I subbed sixth grade middle school language and social studies today. It was a really good day for the most part. The students I worked with during three of the five periods were really good but the class I had in the middle of the day were out of control. Whatever though, I made it through and didn't let them ruin my day. I saw several sixth graders that went to the school I did my student teaching at last year. It was crazy because they all knew my name and I had no idea who they were... Bad Miss. Hobbs.

I have a small little confession to make. I, Cassie Hobbs, ordered a Kindle with my graduation money and giftcards today. The confession isn't that I bought a Kindle, it is the reason I bought one. I have been reading The Hunger Games trilogy, but I have a long list of books I want to read. Some of them (such as Fifty Shades of Grey) probably shouldn't be flashed at students during SSR time, so I figured I could get a kindle and read all of my books without feeling embarrassed or awkward or inappropriate.You can make fun of me all you want, but I am quite excited about my Kindle. Thanks to those of you who gave me giftcards or cha-ching for graduation. =)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


I was supposed to sub for RSP today and I guess I technically did, but I was sent to a second grade class to take over while the teacher tested her students. Weird right? I thought it was a strange day.

The class I covered for was so LOUDDDD! I wanted to poke my brain out at 9:00. I had a student who started crying because someone told her to pass the paper down. Then when she stopped crying she just sat there for the rest of the day and did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! I felt weird disciplining the student with her teacher sitting right around the corner. It was really quite a weird day. Earlier that day I told a student to sit down and stop talking and he started to bang his head against his chair. CRAZY LITTLE DUDE! After school I went and bought a whistle because a kid threw a rock at someone else today and I couldn't get his attention quick enough to let him know that he was in deeeeeeep poo poo. Hopefully a whistle will help in the future.

I know this sounds kind of crazy coming from me, but I really think I am starting to form a love for the younger grades. Yes, they make me want to pull my hair out at times, but I look forward to subbing for Letty and Kari's class and last week when I subbed for kindergarten I had a really fun time. Today I had to pick up the kindergarteners and walk them to the bus. When I walked into the classroom, I felt at home. I don't know what has changed from within, but something definitely has. I am not saying that I only want to teach younger grades (because believe me, I really enjoy my time with upper grades), but now I am more open to teaching any grade. I am hanging out with the first grade kids I am long terming for on Thursday morning. I am so darn excited! I have already gotten to know the third graders, so getting to know the first graders will be fun for me. WOOO!

On a side note, if you like my blog, please pass the website address on to your friends and family. I am trying to get as many followers as I can to read about my journey as a teacher. I know sometimes I don't always have funny stories, but every now and again you and your friends might laugh or have an ah-ha moment. Plus, I always enjoy hearing your feedback and suggestions to becoming a better teacher. =)

Friday, September 14, 2012


I subbed half day kindergarten today. I always get a little nervous when I sub kindergarten at schools I didn't do my student teaching at. Everyone has a partner teacher and when I don't know people very well I tend to be a little shy. Today wasn't too bad though. The kids were super psycho but it ended up working out just fine. I think it is really sad to see a student just starting out in kindergarten and he already refuses to do any work or interact with other students. I asked him to color a picture and he refused. I asked him to cut out his animal and he refused. It stinks to realize that a five year old already hates school. What is the rest of his academic career going to be like?

At the end of the day when I was about to leave the teachers turned to me and said, "You're so young... you remind us of what a real kindergarten teacher is... Us 20 years ago!" Hahaha I thought it was a funny comment to give someone. Anyway, TGIF!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Super Sub

What a DAY! I felt like I was back in college running around from place to place! Don't get me wrong though, I am glad today was busy.

I started out at my old elementary school from when I was a kid. It is always fun to go back there. There is a teacher on campus who taught sixth grade when I was there. You can just tell that she is the leader of the pack at that school. She is always so vibrant and helpful. Every time she sees me she yells "Boys and girls, we have a SYCAMORE ALUMNI teaching with us today!" It is super cute. The school has smart classrooms in every room. I love it but sometimes I feel really incompetent. I think I am semi-tech savvy but I am still not used to all of the different types of fun things smart boards can do. Today I could not get the sound on the computer to work for me at all! Luckily, that teacher came in and helped me get the sound to work. I just love her and she doesn't even know it. I hope I can become the kind of leader she is.

At my old school I subbed a 5th/6th combo class. I feel like kids just won't be quiet these days! The kids were super sweet which made everything go fast. We watched Cinderella which is my all time favorite Disney movie so it worked in my favor =). I love subbing at that school.

I had fifteen minutes to jet from my school in Upland to the school in Fontana. Luckily, I was only 5 minutes late and my kids were at lunch. I subbed for the third grade class I am going to be long terming for. They are a chatty bunch, and a couple kids like to push my buttons but I am already starting to love them. No one will be able to replace my third graders from last year, but I am excited to start building relationships with this new bunch. Today when the kids saw me they all ran up and gave me a huge group hug. It reminded me of last year when my third graders did that to me. I felt like I was in a mosh pit... but instead of hardcore rockers, they are little munchkins. Such fun kids.

I want to start spending time with my first graders, too, so hopefully next week I can sneak in there and help out for a while.

After work I had to speed over to tutor my kid from last year. I tutored him all summer long, three days a week, for two hours a day. I just love him and his mom. They are so fun to be around and talk to. He is such a smart kid. Seeing him today for the first time in about a month reminded me of how much I missed him.

Overall today was a great day but I am so pooped out! Tomorrow I am doing a half day kindergarten sub job. It starts a little later than usual so I can get an hour more of rest. Woohoo!

I just got off the phone with Matt. He had his first back to school night tonight and said it was a success! I am so proud of him. He can go on for hours about his day and how much he loves his job.

I am so thankful for this wonderful life of mine.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


I was so scared for my day today! I subbed an RSP class at a middle school. I thought I was going to die when I got there. I was seriously dreading the students I had to work with, and I always feel a little weird as a sub when I work with aides. BUT the kids were amazing and the day went quite well. I had a few autistic kids that came in and needed help, but it was no problem. I enjoyed being able to talk to students about how they liked sixth grade and I enjoyed working with the kids in such a small group setting.

For part of my day I had to go into a math class and help out. I know that I am no genius at math, but I can understand sixth grade math. The substitute that was in there was even confusing me! She was older, probably retired, and kept telling the students that she had a special way of teaching math. Ughhh, it just confused them! There were at least 5 RSP kids in the class who were totally lost the entire class period. I was so frustrated but I didn't want to tell her that kids didn't understand how she was teaching it because I would have felt like I was stepping on her toes.

Overall, it was a very good day.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Testing kindergarteners this early in the year should be a crime. You're probably wondering how kindergarten work can be such a challenge to test, but believe me when I say IT IS THE BIGGEST CHALLENGE EVER! I felt like I was talking to a wall half of the time. God bless all kindergarten teachers in the world. Seriously. They deserve a gift.

Monday, September 10, 2012

The Land of the Babes

I love the school I did my student teaching at. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I feel like staff members go there because they want to be there. Every time I step foot on campus I feel welcome. It is such a nice feeling.

My friend Katie is doing a long term sub but she had a meeting this morning so I covered for her class for a little while. They are a squirmy bunch but they are fun nonetheless. I am glad I was able to help out. On my way back to kindergarten I said hi to my friend Kristine. She told her class that she is the queen and I was her princess. All of the kids laughed and giggled at that statement. Later in the day I went back in the class. As soon as I walked in they all said, "Hi, Princess" or "Oh look, it is the princess!" So funny!

At this stage in kindergarten, I can't help but laugh at all of the chaos. It is so funny to watch kids try to sit still or focus on what is being taught. I feel like I am the most impatient teacher in all the land so I feel bad when I have to tell kids to hurry up. Letty always assures me that I am not a psycho impatient person though, which is always refreshing. I feel like too many funny things happened today and as I write this entry, I can't think of anything to write down!

I think what I like best but also get kind of frightened by at the same time is how brutally honest kindergarteners are. They always tell me when I look nice or if they like my shirt. What is going to happen in 30 years when I am a hideously fat teacher who wears moo-moos to work? Will they say, "Ms. H, your rolls are in the way of my learning..."? I hope not. Last week when I subbed for third grade Letty said students love me because I am the human barbie doll to kids due to the fact that I am always perky and excited... I hope I can stay that way throughout my journey as a teacher. (Letty, you are so sweet!) ;)

Quotes of the day:

(After I came back to third grade...)
Me: Let's take a quick quiz... Who remembers my name?
Student: Well, Mrs. Burke always calls you Ms. Hobbies...

Student: If you are the princess, who is your frog?
Me: My bf, duh!!!
Student: Ew, that's disgusting!

3.) (During share time)
Me: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Kindergartener: A six year old.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Meet N Greet

I met the students I will be long term subbing for in March!!! So excited! For the most part the kids are pretty amazing. There is one little boy that I know will be a real challenge for me, but other than that, I am really excited for what is to come. At the end of the day the class asked if I was going to come back to their classroom... I wanted to say, "YUP! Ill be your teacher for two months and I almost pee my pants with excitement every time I think about it", but instead I told them that maybe one day I will be able to come back and stay a little longer ;).

This morning while getting dressed I was worried about sweating to death, but then it rained all day! It was kind of nice to be able to walk around without feeling disgusting from the heat, but at the same time being on inclement weather isn't fun for teachers OR students. The only good part about inclement weather was that I was able to get to know students a little better. I was secretly trying to memorize names today but with 30 kids and only one me, I was only able to memorize a select few.

I felt kind of bad for my kids today because I felt like a chicken with her head cut off. There was so much work to get done and I know I could have had a more successful day if I had been more organized throughout the day. I think I feel so bad because normally I am overly organized and today I just felt so off my game (boo). Tomorrow is a new day, though and Im sure I will keep things more organized in the future.

I had duty after school today and I ended up taking over crosswalk duty. As I was walking kids across the crosswalk, a man (probably my age) backed up from a parking spot into a big white truck. I saw the man in the big white truck begin to fume with anger and I thought I was going to have to call for some assistance, but the two calmly pulled over, got out of the car and exchanged information. I'm sure if the two were not at a school, the kid my age would have been screamed at by the older gentleman. Ahhh, scary.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

4th Grade

Matt's aunt called me this morning and told me that her sister needed a sub ASAP! I was really excited because I didn't think I was going to get called today.

Although today was a half day and I didn't get to spend all day with students, I can honestly say that this class was one of the most well behaved classes I have EVER worked with. Students were respectful and quiet. They asked questions by raising their hand or walking over to me. I am really glad that I was able to work with them today.

Tomorrow I am subbing for the class that I will be long terming for at the end of the year! I am so excited to meet them!!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Life Sized Barbie

Today was much better than yesterday (thanks for the prayer, Letty)! I really enjoyed myself. The students had an assembly which was fun, they had centers and got to do a bunch of different activities, and we were able to watch The Magic School Bus (what kind of person doesn't like The Magic School Bus?!)

During the assembly a little boy with special needs sat next to me. He kept standing up and wanted to leave the assembly. When I finally calmed him down, he put his hand in mine and put his head on my shoulder. I loved that moment of my day... I felt like I mattered to that little boy. Sometimes I think we focus on what is wrong with special needs students too much instead of focusing on what is amazing about them. The little boy has special needs, but he also has some wonderful qualities about him. Today taught me to focus on the good qualities in every child.

Quote of the day:

Boy: Wow, you look beautiful today, Ms. H!
Girl: Yeah, you look just like my barbie but you're life sized!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Munchkin Land

Today was intense. Here are the reasons why: the kids wouldn't be quiet, I am unfamiliar with the school and their school procedures, the lesson plans did not explain procedures so I was lost all day, my class was overly talkative (even if I tried to explain how talkative they were, it wouldn't even begin to portray the truth), a kid cried right before taking the class picture, a girl cried when her mom left this morning (and apparently she does it every morning), the DVD player doesn't work, a kid got a bloody nose, it was too hot to go out for PE, and the students didn't follow directions. GOOD TIMES!!

The sad part is that in the notes for me, the teacher wrote "good luck"... if the teacher writes that then you know it's gotta be an experience.

Back for round two tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

So many grades

I was supposed to sub for my friend today, but she ended up not having jury duty. I was worried that I wasnt going to be called into work, but luckily they kept me on campus! In the morning I helped my friend with little projects and tested one of her students. In the middle of morning work, the fire alarm went off. I think my friend and I jumped out of our shoes because it scared us so much! Anyway, don't worry, it was a false alarm.

After the drill I wandered over to first grade to help them with prep materials. Even though first grade has a lot of prep work (not as much as kinder, but still a lot) I am really looking forward to my long term sub job in the winter. Don't get me wrong, I am nervous, but I think it is going to be a lot of fun!

Since I was called into sub and I wasn't actually subbing, a teacher unexpectedly had to leave early in fourth grade. Since it was fourth grade, that meant that I got to spend time with a few of my 3rd grade students from last year! Of the 30 students only four were in my class which was a bummer, but it was still fun to see them nonetheless. During social studies we were talking about how it gets colder the higher you hike on a mountain. I told the story about my uncle climbing Mt. Everest and how his toes froze and he got frost bite... they couldn't believe it! It was pretty funny to see their facial reactions.

I took the fourth graders to take pictures today and in doing so, I also saw the kindergarteners from last year! It was like a student teaching reunion! I missed all of my kids and am glad I saw them today

The lady I am doing my second long term job for requested me for next week! I am excited to meet my third graders!!!

Friday, August 24, 2012

3rd Grade

I subbed third grade today. It still felt like second grade, but that is ok. I went to a school that I had never been to, but there are a few family members at the school that are related to people that work at the school I did my student teaching at. Make sense?

Anywho, my friend, Kristine's, daughter was in my class today which was kind of fun. Kristine gave her a donut and a little note for me which was super tasty. Thanks again, friend!

I had quite an experience with a a student today. I didn't think that tantrums still existed at the age of 8, but I was clearly mistaken (have mercy on me when I am a mother). A little boy in my class threw three tantrums today! I thought my brains were going to fly out of my head. He cried because he got out of greek dodgeball, threw a fit because he wasn't chosen for student of the month, and threw another fit because he was not closest to the guessing jar. REALLY!? I finally just left him alone and let him cry on the floor.

The mom of one of the teachers I will be long term subbing for works at the school I was at today and she put me in to sub two days of first grade next week. I am really excited because I haven't had too much experience with first grade, so this will give me a chance to get more familiar with that grade. =)

Picture of the day:

Picture of my note from Kristine today:

Quotes of the day:

Student: Miss. Hobbs, you know where you should work?
Me: Where?
Student: Hobby Lobby... Get it?

(While students are taking a timed 30 minute math test...)
Me: You need to get going or you are going to run out of time.
Student: It is too hard!
Me: No it isn't. You learned this in kindergarten.
Student: Fine. I will take out my magic wand and cast a spell to get my test done.
(Takes out invisible magic wand and begins moving his wrist like Harry Potter and says a spell...) There! My paper will finish on its own.
Me: (5 minutes later) Your spell didn't work. GET GOING!
Student: Ughhhhhhh.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


I went back to the school I did my student teaching at today! I love how I feel when I walk on campus. I feel like I am part of the team there. It feels great.

I subbed for the kindergarten classes today with Letty and Kari, the two teachers I worked with last year. I seriously love working with them. I know the routines and everything runs smoothly in the class. I think working with the kids this early in the year is a challenge, but I also think that the kids say things that are much more comical for adults. During the afternoon class I saw my student teacher partner from last semester, Debbie. She is such a nice lady. I love talking to her. She has daughters my age but you would never guess it because she is such a fun person to talk to. I am glad that she was also subbing at the school with me today.

I also observed one of the classes that I will be long term subbing for after the new year. Some of my kinders are in the class, so it was pretty cool to see them. The teacher I am long terming for keeps everything really organized and the kids seemed to be extremely well behaved, which only makes me more anxious and excited to start the long term position. What is even more exciting is that after I finish my first long term I have another one lined up! I am so exited for what is to come.

Photo of the day:
The picture on the right is the sample and the picture on the left is student work. Kindergarten is so precious. =)

Quotes of the day:

Teacher: Boys and girls say hi to our new helper, Miss. Hobbs.
Class: Good Morning, Miss. Hobbs
Teacher: She is going to be helping us today and will be here throughout the year too!
Student: Is she your friend?
Teacher: Yes, she is my friend and she is a teacher too!
Student: ...Where does she come from?

(During share time)
Teacher: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Student: Ryan?
Teacher: Ryan? Do you mean you want to work with Ryan?
Student: Yep.
Teacher: What does Ryan do?
Student: Moves dirt around.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Liar Liar Pants on Fire

I subbed a half day kindergarten class today. Nothing too much to talk about... I subbed the afternoon and the teacher I was covering for taught morning so I did a lot of prep work. I know I only taught kindergarten for 10 weeks but I still remember how much prep work is involved in kindergarten... it is crazy status! Anyway, I did participate in centers and kids were telling me some crazy stories that never ended! I swear those babies come up with the crazies stuff to say. I love when they talk like little babies. I sometimes wonder what my own kids will be like... I always pray they won't be the annoying kid in class; I would die of embarrassment.

I am going to go help Matt decorate his classroom tomorrow. I am so excited to see what his school and class looks like. Today was his second day and he hasn't been able to stop talking about how much he loves it. I am so so so so beyond happy for him. I don't know anyone that is more deserving for his job than he is =)

I know that my long term sub jobs aren't for a while, but I am still so excited. I want to start already!

Quotes of the day:

Girl: We don't pick our noses here.
Me: Ok, phew I was worried about that.
(...20 minutes later, she is picking her nose.)

Boy: I went to the Amazon yesterday and the snake that was there wrapped itself around me and I was so scared and I didn't know what to do and then my dad came and he took a knife and he cut it right off my neck so that the snake wouldn't sting me and then I saw a dragon and then.....
Me: Wow, that's pretty intense. Finish your work now, ok?
Boy: It was... and then blah blah blah blah blah...

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

7th grade math and science

Sometimes I wonder how people, such as my boyfriend, can teach 7th and 8th grade... it takes guts. Those kids are slightly out of control. Luckily, today my kids were pretty good. I seriously stink at math but today I successfully taught a lesson to the 7th graders. Go me!

Quote of the day:

While looking at the science textbook...
Student: Oh my god, what is that a picture of?
Me: What does it say?
Student: It is a furnace!!!
Me: No, Sugar-pie. Read it again.
Student: Ohhh, I mean fetus.
Me: (stunned look on my face)
...a couple minutes later...
Student: Ms. Hobbs, is it true that babies have an extra layer of skin over their body when they're born?
Me: (...silence...) Ask your mom.
Student: How do babies pee in the womb?
Me: (...silence...)

Friday, August 10, 2012

Back to work!

Well if you haven't heard the exciting news, Matt is the new middle school science teacher at a school in Pomona! I thought I was going to pass out when he told me, I was so excited. I am so proud of him. =)

I finished my master's degree on Monday, so I am pretty excited about that! It felt a little weird knowing that I was taking the last test for a very very long time.

I subbed second grade today! It felt so good to be back. The weather is a little bit out of control though. The kids had to stay inside during lunch, so they got a little hyper towards the end of the day. We watched School House Rock and played Heads Up 7 Up, which seemed to make them happy. Overall they were a fun class. I love being a teacher.

I received exciting news today! A teacher asked me to long term sub for her! Wahoo!!! It won't be for another few months, but I couldn't be more excited. Life seems to be moving along quite nicely.

I am so glad to be back at work. Not working totally throws me off balance.

Quote of the Day:

Student: Ms. Hobbs, you should see my moms rental!
Me: What kind of rental?
Student: Her car rental. She's got a PT Cruiser with all the diggs!!!

Monday, July 30, 2012

In sickness and in laziness...

So, I am a substitute in 3 districts now! woohoo... keep em coming, folks!

I was talking to Kristine and her husband last week and we were talking about how sad it is that I have to rely on teachers getting sick in order to get work. It is as though when I pray for work, I am really praying for a teacher to catch the flu in the middle of the night. Isn't that just crazy?

Another reason I love teaching is because I get to create friendships with amazing people. I went to help Letty and Kari set up the kindergarten classroom and then I went to visit with Kristine and her family. I had a blast! I love spending time with the new friends I have created in the teaching field over the last year. Nothing better than friends.

Etiwanda goes back to school Monday. Hopefully I will be called to sub. I have been waking up at 6:00 to prepare myself for going back to work... It is exhausting just to wake up! Next Friday a family friend, Mary, requested me to sub for her. I have known Mary forever. When I was a kid she was my CCD teacher at church. Her daughter and I were best friends for the longest time. I am so excited to be able to sub for her. =)

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Going Home

Yesterday I went on a field-trip with my old work. I worked for a grant funded program in Pomona for two years. I worked with kids in a lower income area and promoted college. The program follows kids from 8th grade to their senior year in high school. I LOVED THAT JOB!

Although students at that grade and in that neighborhood tend to have an attitude and are quick to fight, they are amazing kids. I loved getting to know them. The team I worked with became my family throughout my two years there. I would do anything for them. We worked really well together and got stuff done. It was really funny yesterday because we went to the beach and I was standing next to my boss. A guy tripped and fell on the beach; my boss and I both looked at each other and started dying laughing. My other former coworkers from a different school site looked at us and said "no wonder you two used to work so well together." It really is true, my boss and I made a great team.

Of all the jobs I have had, that is the job where I felt most comfortable with the people I was surrounded by. Everyone in the program is there for the same reason and we all truly care about each other. I was nervous to go on the field-trip because I hadn't seen my coworkers, kids, or boss in about a year but everyone treated me like I had never left.

I feel like substitute teaching is a lonely job sometimes, especially when I work at schools I am not familiar with. I am basically my own boss and I enter a school with teachers I have never met before.

I wanted to work in programs similar to the one in Pomona once I received my degree but then I went into teaching. Don't get me wrong, I love teaching but I also love working with such a close group of friends. Maybe I can still consider working for a program like this? Hopefully something will open up. I would still be a mentor at Gear Up if subbing wasn't better pay.

I loved seeing my kids, my coworkers, and my boss. It felt like coming home for the holidays!