Wednesday, October 31, 2012

High School Halloween

Well, I spent Halloween at my high school alma mater. I don't remember seeing my high school teachers dress up, but this year was no joke. I think there were more teachers dressed up than there were students. I remember my senior English teacher was totally into the Renaissance and after seeing his costume this year, he is still quite interested in that era. Other exciting costumes from the staff included: a jar of pringles, Super Subfinder Girl, Flo from Progressive, a witch, and many many more!

Students also dressed up. There was a student who showed up in a full on Belle Princess costume. I know it is kind of mean of me, but I totally started cracking up when I saw the costume. Really? You're in 11th grade and you look like a cheese ball. More power to her for dressing up.

I wish I would have known that the staff dresses up. I have been trying to dress up as Big Bird for years now but haven't really had a chance to wear a costume. This year could have been my chance! Arghhh.

Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


As a sub, I always have to stay on my toes. You never know who is going to walk in the room and observe you.

I knew that a sixth grade teacher I had was now a principal, but last I heard he was at another school. I was wrong. In the middle of me teaching a math lesson to third graders, he walked in and both of us were surprised to see each other. He said hello and gave me a smile and I reciprocated the gesture then got back to teaching assuming he was going to leave. I was wrong again. He took an empty desk and observed me for the remainder of the lesson.

My reading teacher in the credential program always told us that during our first few years as a teacher, we are going to sweat whenever we were observed. During my student teaching I didn't really get nervous while being observed because Judy and Carol were so awesome, but today was an entirely different story. I could feel his eyes watching me and students as I taught the lesson on rounding. Thank goodness I turned the air conditioning on (even though it was like 62 degrees outside) because I started to sweat like a sicko! So disgusting, I know. My reading teacher sure knew what she was talking about.

Monday, October 29, 2012

The List

Bullying. Everyone has heard of the word, and everyone knows that it is becoming a popular topic in schools. The question is: WHY is bullying becoming more common now than ever? Or was it just swept under the rug before?

Today at school a boy wrote a list with another kid's name on it. He is a sweet kid, and I have worked with him several times this year, but apparently another kid keeps threatening to throw dodge-balls at his head. My student took out his anger by writing the other student's name over and over again on a piece of paper. What would have happened next if the paper hadn't been found and the problem hadn't been addressed right away?

It saddens me to think that bullying is becoming so popular.

I wish I could make his pain go away.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Tips of the Trade

I met with the principal from the school I had my interview with today. She is one of the nicest administrators I have ever met. I think that given different circumstances, we would become close friends. She told me that she has no doubt in my ability to be able to teach students, be likeable, and to connect with students, but she gave me additional tips to help me in an interview in the future. The things she had to say to me were so kind that I wanted to crawl on the floor and cry because I haven't heard such kind words in a really long time. I decided against the crying because that would be weird... and I don't want to be weird in front of a stranger. She could tell that I was a new teacher and gave me a lot of advice to help me in future interviews. She also told me that I was chosen out of 169 people for an interview, which is a feat within itself. Although I wasn't a good fit for the position I applied for, she said that she would keep her ears open and would recommend me for positions that she came across in the future. It was really reassuring to receive such positive feedback from a person I have only met twice. I sent her an email thanking her for offering me her time and for helping me in more ways than one but I don't think words could describe the gratitude I feel towards her. People like that don't come around often. She deserves a prize.

After my meeting I went to work for a half day. I subbed for a class that was quite rambunctious. There is a student who is super allergic to certain things, and if it touches him, he will die within minutes if he isn't treated properly. I was kind of worried about it when I got there but everything ended up working out just fine. No deaths occurred on my watch today, which makes for a successful day in my book.

It was also Red Ribbon Week this week. Today was the last day and the school dressed up in orange and black. Katie found some pretty amazing bows to put in our hair. I felt like Minnie Mouse with curly hair and a cute bow. I just love being twinisies with her.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Like a Punch to the Stomach

Well, I officially received word that I didn't get the position in Monclair. I didn't think I'd feel so depressed because I pretty much already knew that I didn't receive the position. The principal said I was a strong candidate and will keep my name out there. I am meeting with her tomorrow to discuss my interview. I feel so down in the dumps.

I subbed half day for the same 2nd grade class I subbed for a couple weeks ago. They exhaust me. I feel like I cannot breathe because they are so needy. Don't get me wrong, they are a cute bunch, but they follow me around everywhere asking the most ridiculous questions. If one more student asked me if they could sniff the smelly markers, my head was going to explode. At the end of the day we finished 30 minutes early so I put on a movie that the teacher left. Those 30 minutes were like pieces of heaven. Only a few kids asked me off the wall questions so I was able to enter my zen and relax.

Quote of the Day:
Student 1: Oh my gosh Ms. Hobbs, what the heck happened to your glasses?
Student 2: Yeah, I thought you wore them every day.
Me: No silly, I wear contacts sometimes too.
Student 2: Ohhhh ok. You look younger without them.
Student 1: Yeah and way prettier. You know what they say about young teachers!
Me: No, what do they say?
Student 1: Well, the younger the teacher, the longer they teach.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Cake Decorating

I remember when I was in first grade and my mom gave me an angel food cake to decorate at Stork Elementary School for the cake decorating contest and school fundraiser. I was (and still am) a total girly girl and I decorated the cake in all blue and set a mermaid barbie on top. I didn't win the contest, but I will never forget feeling like a rock star decorating that cake. I'm pretty sure that no one placed a bid on the god awful looking cake and I didn't win any awards, so my parents had to buy it to take home. Thanks mom and dad!

Today I subbed at my old elementary school and they had their cake decorating contest. I didn't participate in the cake decorating at the school when I went because I had just transferred and was pretty shy. The cakes all turned out super cute!!! I also got to help judge the contest and choose the best ones. They were all so stinkin clever, it was hard to decide!

The class I subbed for was the 5/6 combo class that I have been in several times this year. They are such an amazing group of kids. They are one of the only classes that I love teaching math to because they ask important questions and are interested in the information that is taught. Each student brings so much excitement to the class that I forget I am actually there to teach. Things just run so smoothly; it is like teaching them comes more naturally than usual. We can be goofy but still get work done and students know when it is time to gear up and get serious. I just love working with them.

Here is a picture of some of the cakes:

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

4th Grade

Subbing for little angels is always a blessing! I subbed 4th grade today and the kids were amazing! They got to work quickly and quietly and if they finished early they didn't ask what they were supposed to do. It was awesome.

The school I was at has a PE teacher for each class. I think that is pretty amazing. The kids love having a PE teacher a few times a week that teaches them all sorts of new games while still working them out. I wish all districts could afford that for each of their schools.

Im not sure if I have a cold or if my sinuses are playing games with me, but I have been feeling really cruddy since last Thursday. Yesterday I was finally feeling better but this morning at about 8:00 I keep sneezing and have a sinus headache. If the class wasn't better today, I think I would have cried my way through the day.

I am in bed now, so hopefully a little R&R will spunk me up and get me ready for tomorrow!

Monday, October 22, 2012


I subbed for a jr high English class today. The neighborhood has a lot of Latino and African American children and at one point, when students entered the classroom, the first thing I heard a student say is "Oh my God, a blonde white girl is our sub today. Ask her what color her eyes are." It was pretty awkward. The kids are really nice when I talked to them one on one but they loved loved loved to push my buttons (as do all jr high students). The teacher next door heard how loud they were being and told me to send them to his class if they couldn't pull it together. Luckily, I only had to send two kids to him, so it wasn't too bad. The teacher I subbed for was really sick and didn't send me her lessons until five minutes before the bell rang, which made it a little hard to make 150 copies before first period. Overall though, it was an ok day. Nothing really exciting or funny happened, but we did get out two hours earlier than I had been scheduled for, which is always exciting!

I have been reading a book called The Time Keeper by Mitch Albom. I am only a little more than half way through the book, but the meaning of the book is very clear- God has a plan and we as people, are so focused on worrying about what is going to happen tomorrow, or in a week, or a year, that we forget to focus on what is going in our life now and be thankful for the little moments. It has made me reflect on my attitude these past few months, and I do not like it. We need to stop playing with time. From now on, I am going to focus on myself and stop longing for other people's opportunities. I have been offered several opportunities in the near future that I am extremely excited for. I appreciate the things I have been given and am working hard to earn a position in education. Education is all about supporting each other, and I am going to focus on that more, instead of being envious or wishing for more than what I have. I have an amazing family, loving boyfriend, and a dynamite set of friends. Eventually everything will work out. I feel good. (Sorry for all the run on sentences- deep thoughts don't allow me to have proper sentence structure)

Friday, October 19, 2012


I subbed the third grade class that I will be long terming for today. As you are fully aware, I have already subbed them several times but today something was different. I felt like I am actually starting to form relationships with each student in the class. Learning their names has helped a lot (I am awful at remembering names). I feel like I didn't have to keep telling students to be quiet or behave in an appropriate way like I normally would. I also met a parent today after school who was extremely nice. It is helpful to know that parents really do care about their child's success in school. Today was just what I needed to give me that spark again. I loved it!

My friend Katie and I decided to dress alike today for work. We made cool bows like we used to wear in AYSO soccer. Katie is doing a long term sub job at Solorio. Hopefully she will still be there when I start my long terms. It is nice to be able to talk to her. We both went through the credential program at La Verne together and did our student teaching together. Here is a picture of us...

Well, I have been avoiding this topic but now I feel comfortable enough to discuss it. I suppose. Last week I went for an interview at a middle school for an ELD position. I haven't really mentioned it to very many people because I don't want sad puppy eyes from people if I don't receive it- I just feel worse about myself. Although the position isn't one that I particularly have always dreamed of, I know that if I receive it, I will be able to pursue all of the things I have been waiting for. I know that I am young and I have a lot of life ahead of me but I also know the things I want in life. I am ready to have a "real" job, get married, buy a house, have kids, etc., but until I have a job I can't have any of that which is really quite frustrating! Unfortunately, I haven't been offered the job and it has been a week. I talked to my references and they haven't been contacted, which pretty much tells me that I didn't get the job. I am ok with not receiving the position, because after the day like I had today, I know that eventually the right position in the right school will come along. I just wish that I was able to have those things mentioned above without having to wait even longer, but it is looking like it will be quite a long wait. All I can do is keep working my bum off and continue to pray.

Thursday, October 18, 2012


Every human on the planet has flaws. Obviously you already know that. I have weird flaws that people may not expect of me. I become extremely nervous and very quiet around people I am not entirely comfortable around. If you know me, you know that it is not my personality at all. I like to be loud and fun, but only with people I am comfortable around. I am also a very sensitive person but I am good at hiding it when I am in public. I become offended easily and seek other people's approval constantly. I know I should seek approval from myself before others, but my brain isn't wired that way and I hate it. Maybe it is low self-esteem, or maybe it is just because I like to please others, I am not really sure. Those really aren't the greatest qualities to have as an educator. I already know that my flaws force me to become overly emotional in certain situations and it causes me to over analyze everything I do. I really wish I didn't over think the way I perceive how people feel or think about me. I don't even know why I am writing this on here.... so let's move onto a more exciting topic.

I subbed 4th grade today. A few of my students from last year were in the class again. During the math lesson I was reviewing information on a test and I found myself having flashbacks of teaching my third graders from last year. I miss them. I miss laughing with them and joking around with students about Jesse's obsession with Selena Gomez. I miss my kindergarteners too... I want them back. I miss it all. I found myself in such a melancholy mood after class because I couldn't stop missing last year. I hate having to move to a new classroom each day with a new set of kids... I want to make a connection with students like I did last year during both rounds of my student teaching.

It is pretty amazing to see how much more mature students have become in such a short amount of time. One of my students used to be a little wild child and never wanted to do work, but now he is so calm and relaxed and offers to help when needed. I am so proud of him and the other students for growing up so much. I know they are going to become even more amazing as they continue through their journey.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


I subbed half day kinder for Letty today. I don't know the morning class as well as the afternoon class, but they are still a really cute bunch. I stayed for about a half hour in the afternoon and tested a few of them. Students had to count from number one and try to count as high as they could without messing up. Some students couldn't count very high while some others counted all the way to 100! It was so cute to see the kids defeat their worst counting fears! A little boy's face completely brightened when he realized he had actually counted to 100. I wanted to squeeze his little cheeks. So cute!

On Facebook the other night, I posted that I couldn't wait until the election is over so that people will stop posting rubbish on Facebook about their political views. My friend Kristine has now since been posting political nonsense on my page and has been trying to turn me into a political fanatic. It is pretty hilarious because I really am not a very political person at all. I have certain beliefs and views about things, but I don't really talk about them openly with people. Anyway, it was pretty funny because her class looked at me like I was crazy when Kristine made fun of me while I was in the classroom. I just love our relationship.

I saw my former adviser, Judy, today. I swear seeing her is like a breath of fresh air. She knows all about the system of education having been a teacher, administrator, and college professor throughout her career. Although she tells me facts like it is, she is one of the nicest and most caring people on the planet. Today after talking to her, she helped me to remember that eventually things will turn out the way I have always hoped, but for right now, I need to take life as it comes and enjoy the little things. I am so glad I saw her.

Oh, and I got my hair done today. Added some blonde and got a trim. It was finally time for a little change!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Waiting with a Happy Heart

In kindergarten we always tell impatient students to "wait with a happy heart" until it is time to move on. I regret saying that to every kindergarten student I have ever told that to. I am a hypocrite- I hate waiting for answers on things I am so desperately interested in.

I need answers, people!

In other news, I subbed for a 2nd grade class today. A student told me that her little sister sunk in the pool. I was too afraid to ask what exactly that meant because of the horror I saw in her eyes. That about sums up my day.

I will be at Solorio for the rest of the week, which I am quite excited about. I miss my teacher friends and favorite students.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

5/6 Combo

I have a love hate relationship with subbing students while their teacher is still in the classroom. I feel like I step on toes if I am teaching while the teacher is still in there or like I am taking up space if she/he is teaching. At the same time, though, I like seeing how the teacher interacts with their students because it helps me get a feel for how I should work with students and what they are used to.

Today I subbed for a fifth grade/ sixth grade combo class. They are a fun group of kids. Every time I work with them math gets pretty crazy. I really have to gear up and put my thinking cap on for them. I drown with questions from both grade levels and math is totally not my thing. Thank goodness for answer keys because I can work backwards and figure out how to complete the problem.

After I was there for a little while today I took the students to the library. When I attended that school, the library was where the teacher's lounge currently is and now the library is where a first grade class used to be. I remember that class because in sixth grade one of my classmates, Steven, fell into the pool and drown right before the mailman found him and tried to save him. Steven's little brother was in that first grade classroom. I used to go in every day during lunch and help the teacher organize and grade. I think that year I realized that I wanted to help kids when I grew up. Up until a couple years ago I wanted to be a counselor, but with the budget cuts, I chose teaching (I know, like that is any better.). One day I hope to get my counseling credential and I know it has a lot to do with me wanting to help families like Steven's.

It is crazy the things I remember from that year. I had just moved to my town and switched schools. I didn't know who the boy in my class really was, but I remember seeing the pain in his mother's eyes after he died. I wrote a story about a magical kite who went up in the sky and didn't want anyone to be sad for him. When my classmate's mom read the story she brought me a pink guardian angel statue and gave me a hug. I still have that statue. I hope I can one day put it in my daughter's room as a sort of guardian angel.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


An event on Friday could possibly change my life and pick things up for me.

Please say prayers that things turn out for the best. If you don't pray, please send good vibes my way.

And before you ask, No I am not moving, getting engaged, getting married, or pregnant.

Thanks friends!

5th Grade

I subbed 5th grade today. They were less than cooperative. I had a kid who honestly had no idea how rude he was being and a girl who followed me around ALL day long. Dang girl, take a seat! I survived though, and tomorrow I am subbing at my old elementary school for a fifth/sixth grade combo class that I subbed for a few weeks ago. They were a fun class so I am excited to see them again.

I have been going to the gym lately and today I feel like I cannot move. I am pretty proud of myself because I haven't been this sore in a long time and usually it takes someone to force me to work out to become sore... so hopefully I will start to get fit again. We will see though. I hope I can get out of bed for work tomorrow morning.

A kid asked me if I was Taylor Swift today (I had curly hair today). I wasn't sure if I should have been flattered or embarrassed by that question.

Friday, October 5, 2012


The truth of the matter is Letty has the cutest kinders ever this year. There really isn't much to say. Yes, they get quite chatty and are still most definitely little babies, but their comments make it all worth it. Today the new little boy in class started to cry right after we finished with journals. I felt a little strange because I was trying to figure out what was wrong with him but he just kept crying and starting at me and then he hugged me and cried some more. Poor baby. In the next ten minutes he was fine though, thank goodness.

Quote of the day:

(Student was eating flaming hot cheetos)
Student: Man, some women are hotter than cheetos!

Thursday, October 4, 2012


If you knew me in high school then you already know that I am the most uncoordinated person on the place of the earth and I HATE running with the passion. At 2:30 this morning I couldn't sleep and still didn't have a job for today (which is probably why I couldn't sleep) so I checked online and found an open job at a middle school in Glendora. I noticed that it was a half day sub job as a PE teacher. I figured half day is better than no day and even though it was PE I desperately need the money, so I snagged the job and fell back into a peaceful slumber.

The day really wasn't bad at all. I have never subbed PE in my life so I had no idea what to expect. After years of being away from a locker room, I was quickly reminded of how it smelled of gross feet and sweat. It really isn't the best feeling in the world but the kids were nice so it was ok. I guess the 7th graders have been having pantsing each other so the principal had a big meeting with each period about sexual harassment and inappropriate behavior. It was actually pretty funny to watch. As soon as the principal mentioned pantsing, all of the students eyes popped out of their head and a nervous laughter filled the gym. It brought me back to times when some of my friends and I nervously laughed our way through Jr. High. Poor kiddos are just so awkward.

Anyway, during my last period of the day I was taking scores of people running and all of the sudden I felt a warm drop land on my arm. A BIRD POOPED ON MY ARM! I was freaking out on the inside and I'm pretty sure my eyes popped out of my head but I remained calm. Matt's grandma's house is right down the street and if I hadn't been responsible for 43 kids, I probably would have ran to my car and driven to her house to shower. I was so grossed out. The worst part is the school has three levels. I was on the second field level where there was no water or soap so I had to wipe my arm on a fence to get it off. You can bet your bottom dollar that I was the first person to get in the locker room and apply generous amounts of soap and water to my arm. As soon as I was able to leave I jumped in my car and sped home. I swear I must have washed my arm like 30 times today fearing I would forever have bird poop germs on me.

Tomorrow I am subbing for Letty's kindergarten class. I have already subbed in there several times, and tomorrow is fun Friday which is always a hoot. I wish that Fontana was closer to Chino Hills though because I was supposed to watch baby Caya after work for a little while but I won't be able to make it in time to head over there. I watched her on Monday and yesterday though. That newborn is the most beautiful thing on the planet. She fell asleep in my arms yesterday and I just about melted.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Student Teacher

I subbed for Matt's aunt's sister today. I have subbed for this class before and they are totally amazing. I love going in there. Much to my surprise, today was a short day which was totally awesome! We got out of school at 12:30 so I was able to come home and do some much needed laundry. I felt kind of bad because there was a student teacher who took over everything all day. I felt like dead weight... I didn't want to step on her toes by helping too much but I didn't want her to think I was totally lazy by just sitting in there doing nothing. I hope I wasn't too annoying. The kids were great.

I really hope that jobs for teachers turn around soon. I got another denial email today about a teaching job. It is really discouraging. Yes, people are saying that there are older teachers who are going to retire, however, the packages for retirement really aren't in anyone's favor right now so teachers aren't retiring. I just want a job already! I feel like I would be able to do all of the things I am ready for if I was able to have a full time teaching job. I know everyone has said that things take time, but I really am one of the most impatient people on the planet. I like for things to go according to plan and right now they are not. I mean, I sped through college and fast tracked not only my undergraduate degree but my master's degree as well so that I could get a job and start a life BUT this economy is failing me and my plans for the future. Don't get me wrong, I am extremely thankful for the long term sub jobs that are in the near future and for the friendships and relationships I have built with staff members at the schools I am working at, but I just wish things were more stable for me. It is very hard to plan a life when you have no idea what tomorrow is going to bring. A miracle will happen someday, I am just getting tired of waiting for that someday.

Monday, October 1, 2012


Hi Friends,I apologize for taking so long to update my blog. I have been a tad occupied with my new Kindle! I was talking to my stepmom about my lifelong distaste for reading but can honestly say that I read the 50 Shades of Grey Trilogy in a little over a week. Clearly the kindle was the best buy I have ever made, and the books were totally worth the read... if you like those kind of books. I must say that while reading the books I have officially been found guilty of being very sheltered in all things pertaining to "romance" and I am perfectly ok with that. That is about as far as I will discuss this topic. I recommend the book and cried at the end because I became so attached to the characters... I didn't want it to end!

Anyway, enough of my ranting about that. Today I subbed for a first grade class. Cute kids, I must say. They were chatty but honestly, who isn't chatty anymore? I have decided that this school year is just full of extremely chatty classes. It is sad, but I must get over it and just have fun with the kids. Today a kid went on and on and on about how he was going to go to Tokyo with his family and will have to miss school. Sadly, I had to turn down the invitation to go on the trip with him and his family.

I never understood why teachers tell me that they have to plan their pregnancies to be just in time for the summer months until today. I watched Caya today after work and am in total awe in regards to how attached I am to her. When I have kids it will have to be around summer time so that I don't take 2 months off for maternity leave and then have to go back to work right away. I will need to plan it just right so I can take the two months off and have all of summer with the new kid. I doubt this plan will work, because most of my plans end up being a bust, but a girl can dream. Don't worry, babies are a very long ways away for me.

Quote of the day:

Me: Finish your coloring, Buddy.
Student: ...But you're just so beautiful!