Thursday, May 31, 2012

Resource Teacher

I subbed for a resource teacher half day today. The aide that was helping me in the class was amazing! Normally I don't like subbing and having an aide because I feel like they end up running the class and it is a waste of my time, but today we were really able to work as a team and help the students. Her kids all went to the same high school as me and know some of my friends. Crazy small world.

I feel exhausted today. One more day of subbing tomorrow then it is the weekend!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Do you remember where you were on September 11th? I am reading a book called Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. I believe it was turned into a movie and stars Tom Hanks and Sandra Bullock. Anyway, the story kind of revolves around the events that took place on September 11th. The book makes me think a lot about 9/11. I know that there are people close to me that know someone that died on that tragic day, but I never really thought about what the people in New York must have felt when their dad didn't come home from work because he was trapped in an elevator or buried alive underground. The reason I am writing this is because on September 11th, I was in 7th grade, and the last couple of days I have subbed at my old jr. high. Today as I was leaving I looked over at my old homeroom class and remembered a conversation I had with my jr. high crush. I had no idea what a terrorist was until that day... until my crush explained that the people who crashed the planes were indeed terrorists. I saw my old English teacher today in the teachers lounge (weird) and remembered his discussion with the class about what was happening to our country. There were so many flashbacks from September 11th throughout my day today and yesterday... It made the saying "We Will Never Forget" a reality for me. I know I am rambling... so I will just change the subject. But if you have a chance to read the novel I mentioned above, I really recommend it. I am only on page 97, but I love it so far. Several 7th grade students today also told me that they read and loved the book.

I don't know how my boyfriend Matt could have the urge to teach Jr. High. My head started hurting during 3rd period and hasn't stopped hurting since... and it is 10:00 at night. I don't even think the students at the school are bad. There are really only a few kids I had to talk to today for behavior issues, but those few made my day miserable. I am sure that students were just as obnoxious as I was when I was their age, and we all tried to show off just as much as these kids do, but I really don't remember having classmates that were so annoying. I consider myself a really laid back and easy sub... I don't mind if students talk while they are working, but I swear jr. high kids are a completely different breed. They love love love to push my buttons to see how far they can push me. I almost sent a kid to the office today I got so annoyed with his attitude! Fear not though, I kept calm and taught on!

When I saw my 7th grade English teacher today he said that he didn't recognize me yesterday but as soon as he saw me smile he realized who I was. I thought that was nice of him to say. I am glad my smile still helps people remember who I am. He was shocked that I remembered his daughter's name from ten years ago. I swear I remember the most random things in life. I remember the most insignificant things and forget the most important. Oh well. =)


Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Jr. High

I subbed Jr. High today for the first time in ages. It is amazing how different students can be from one grade to the next. As you all know, I love love love subbing sixth grade... but for some reason those kids in 7th and 8th grade just drive me crazy! I am sure it doesn't help that the end of school is only a week away, but man oh man, those kids know how to make my head spin.

Today I subbed at my old Jr. High. It was kind of weird being there. They don't use lockers anymore, my old English class is now the student store, teachers I once had have less hair on top of their head... so strange. I saw a girl crying before school started and I couldn't help but remember that my friends and I were all once that girl. Jr. High was so stinkin' dramatic for no reason at all. I don't even remember why my friends and I fought all of the time. I remember for my birthday in 8th grade a few of my friends bought me thong underwear as a joke.... I was so embarrassed to bring it home I kept it in my locker. The next day all of the thongs were hanging on other people's locker! I was so embarrassed. Later in high school I found out that it was one of my friends that knew my locker combination and broke in. I can't help but laugh thinking about it now.

Sometimes (actually, all of the time) I wish I could hear a voice from above telling me that my resume is being reviewed by a district at this very moment, and I will indeed be getting a job next year. Life just doesn't work like that though I guess.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Too Early..

I wish that I could say I haven't thought about my kinders or third graders since school got out last Tuesday.... but then I would be lying. I woke up from a dream about my kids. I think I am already missing them too much. =(

I have applied to a few jobs this week. It is so frustrating not knowing what will happen. I know that there are thousands of people who have had their teaching credential and have been waiting for jobs longer than I have. How have they survived? I am so anxious to get a real job. I want my own classroom and my own students. I want life to start. It stinks to have worked for this many years towards something only to have no jobs available. GRRR. I know that there are big plans out there for me somewhere, the waiting game is really not my thing though.

Praying is the only thing keeping me going.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Day 2 at the high school

I was supposed to sub for an art class today, but my former teacher, Mr. Hauk requested that I sub for him instead!

What a blast! The kids were great, the classroom was super amazing with mac computers for every kid in the class. The kids stayed on task, I had an aide during two periods of the day... Ahh. I love love love high school. Why didn't I realize this sooner?? I will be studying for the English CSET so that I can get my single subject credential and teach high school.

My lunch stalker from yesterday saw me yet again today and called across campus. I think every kid in school heard my name. Funny times.

Next week I am subbing for an English class at the Jr. High on Tuesday and Wednesday and on Friday I am scheduled at an elementary school. Hopefully I get called for something on Thursday.

Happy 3 day weekend!!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

High School English

I subbed high school for the first time today and I LOVED it! I didn't feel stressed once, the kids didn't cry about anything, they were independent, they got their work done, and they know how to be quiet. The classes were amazing, the content was fun to look at, ahhh... I think I need to get my single subject credential in English PRONTO!

I subbed two classes of Senior English and three Junior AP English classes. The kids were all pretty chill and laid back. I felt like it was easier than it should have been. I loved it. I took two of the classes to the psych fair which was really fun. I remember doing the psych fair my senior year with my best friend Cambria... I had a total deja-vu moment when I entered the library and saw all of the different presentations. While at the fair I saw several different teachers that I had when I was in high school. It was really strange for both them and myself to both be in "teacher" positions at the same time. For anyone that went to Upland with me, Mr. Wisdom is still there! Craziness.

Apparently my name was being spread around campus because during lunch time a kid (who was not in my class in the morning) called my name out from across campus. When I turned around he asked if I was subbing for the same class tomorrow. I shook my head no and as soon as I did the kid made a sad face, formed his hands to make a heart, and broke the heart. I wanted to laugh so hard but I just shook my head and walked away.

I had a few of my sister's friends in my classes today. When they saw my name they were like, "Are you related to MARISSA????" It was pretty funny. They all freaked out. Way to go red, you are still famous at UHS.

I really miss high school language arts. The kids were reading The Great Gatsby and are watching the movie tomorrow! I am sooo jealous. I seriously loved that book when I was in high school. I wish I could sub for them tomorrow just so I could watch the movie.

Quotes of the Day:

Girl: Are you the sub?
Me: Yeah.
Girl: All the boys in my math class are talking about you.

(While I was participating in a study at the psych fair)
Boy: Please write your name
Me: (writes: Ms. Hobbs)
Boy: Please write your birthday
Me: (writes: 5/21)
Boy: Please write your favorite animal
Me: (writes: elephant)
Boy: Please write your phone number.
Me: Do you actually need this?
Boy: (laughs)
Me: (writes: 999-nevermind)
Boy: (picks up the paper and runs) GUYS I FOUND OUT MORE INFORMATION ABOUT HER THAN YOU!!!

Boy: Do you want to come to my graduation? I'll buy you a ticket.
Me: No thanks.
Boy: You don't want to see me graduate??!!

(While I was talking to a former teacher the same kid that yelled across campus during lunch came up to talk to me)
Boy: Miss. Hobbs, I noticed that you are a MISS... not a MRS.
Me: Thanks for pointing that out.
Boy: Soooo.....
Teacher: You boys are really giving Miss. Hobbs an ego boost today!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Last Day Jitters

When I was finished with my last day student teaching in 3rd grade, I received a book from my class called First Day Jitters. The story is about a teacher that is afraid and nervous about their first day as a teacher. I remember reading the story and thinking about how scared I was on my first day of student teaching. Looking back on my year, I become a little bit emotional. I was so scared to begin student teaching, and now I am so sad that summer has come and my students are moving onto the next grade.

I did not think I would ever like teaching anything above first grade, but the truth of the matter is, I am obsessed with 3rd-6th grade. Since I began my teaching journey way back in October, I have grown as a teacher and as an individual. I think about my third graders and kindergarteners all day, everyday, and when I have a bad day, I imagine my kids and I am immediately relaxed.

I am really upset that today is the last day of school. I will never have my first class again or be able to have both my classes together again in the same groups. It saddens me to think that they will move on and forget about our conversations and all of our laughs. I know I am being selfish because I should be happy for their accomplishments this year, but I don't want them to grow up and change... I want them to always remember me the same way that I remember them. I am really proud of them though, they all changed and grew so much. I don't know... I am sad they are gone but I know that each of them will accomplish great things.

I subbed a first grade class half day today. The kids in the class were super cute. As soon as I walked up to pick them up in the morning a kid told me that he could tell I was going to be super nice. So stinkin cute!!

After school I went out to celebrate the end of the year with a bunch of the staff members. It was a really fun time. I feel like I was able to talk to teachers and other school employees more than I had in the past. It was nice to be able to kick back and enjoy each others company.

I will continue to sub in the other district until they go on Summer break until June 7th. Hopefully over the summer I will find a "real" teaching job.

Special thanks to Letty and Kristine for such an amazing opportunity to teach their classes this year. =)

Monday, May 21, 2012

Birthday Shenanigans

I went to Solorio today because my third graders were having their end of the year party! I can't believe tomorrow is their last day of school and then they will all be in 4th grade!!! Depressing.

Before going to 3rd grade I stopped by and visited my kindergarten class one last time. Today they got to eat in the cafeteria and eat food from the lunch room for the first time! They were all so excited and the majority of them loved the food. When they noticed me they sang me happy birthday. It was so cute. I love my little boogers. Looking back on it, I remember how much I loved cafeteria food. Now when I look at it I wonder why I ate the stuff. I think it was a "cool" thing to do, otherwise I doubt I'd buy the stuff.

After visiting kindergarten I made my way to 3rd grade. My kids really know how to party. There were so many sweets and goodies! MMM it was a good time. As soon as I walked in I noticed a bunch of birthday cards and goodies on the desk that students made for me. I have been bugging Kristine to give me the recipe she uses to make chocolate chip cookies... They are seriously the BEST cookies you will ever eat. Anyway, she gave me the recipe for my birthday!!! Woohoo.

Overall, I had a wonderful day and I feel very lucky to have been able to spend it with my favorite students on the planet.

Here is a picture of the cards and gifts students made me =).

Friday, May 18, 2012

Pop Party

My birthday is on Monday and several students from third grade made me drawings, cards, and notes for my birthday today. They are so stinkin cute. I visited kindergarten today for a little bit too. Every time I walk into the 3rd grade class or the kinder class, I feel so at home. I love all of my kids. Obviously in different ways, but I am pretty sad that the last day of school is on Tuesday. I am going to miss being able to walk from one class to the other just to be able to say hi to my very first group of students.

Quote of the day:

So during the popsicle party, the boys would say a word and then all of the other boys would lift their popsicles and yell, "YEAH!!!" This is what happened....
Boy 1: Yeah for Selena Gomez!!!
All Boys: YEAH!!!
Boy 2: Yeah for no homework!!!
All Boys: YEAH!!!
Boy 3: Yeah for Miss. Hobbs!!!
All Boys: YEAH!!!
Boy 4: Yeah for being a boy!!!
All Boys: YEAHHH!
Boy 5: Yeah for more balls!!!
All Boys: (quietly looking around thinking how to react....)
Boy 6: Uhhh...(busts up laughing)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

A lovely visit

With all that is going on in life, I think sometimes taking the time to be around the little creatures that mean the most makes me realize why I love my job. Today was the kindergarten promotion celebration, but before going to their promotion I visited 3rd grade for a while. I had the students sign my yearbook and a few of the kids drew me pictures. Some of the things students wrote in my yearbook made me want to cry. They are all so sweet! I think I really need to start to keep a scrapbook. Between all of the artwork I have collected from kinder and third grade I swear I could make a book, so why not make it a scrapbook?

The kinder celebration went really well. I felt like a proud mama watching my students walk up to receive their awards. I can only imagine what emotions I will have when I have kids of my own. I will probably cry every time my kid receives an award.

Pictures of the day:

Pictures my 3rd graders made me:

Yearbook Notes:

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Heimlich Maneuver Wednesday

I think it is time for my kinders to go on summer break. They can all feel it coming, so I vote we let them go home and drive their parents bonkers, yes? Yes.

Overall, today was a pretty good day. My kids were too talkative, but really, when aren't they? I was sooooooo glad, however, that when the principal made a surprise visit to the classroom my kids were on topic and were being quiet. Bonus points to them!!!

Today I had the scariest moment in my career thus far. During snack time my kids were all eating and talking when all of the sudden a little boy in my class started to choke on a chip! At first I thought he was ok, then his face started to turn bright red and he started to cough louder, I wanted to scream to the morning teacher for help because I was having a minor freak out moment in my head, but I quickly ran over and told the student to stand up and put his hands over his head. When he refused to get up, I put my arms underneath his armpits and lifted him from the lunch table to a standing position. I pulled his hands over his head and had him keep coughing until he was no longer choking. If he had kept going any longer I really thought I was going to have to give him the heimlich, and I probably would have cried. Thankfully though, he stopped choking, but as soon as he did he started to cry. Poor fella. I had him go inside and get a drink of water. One of the little boys in my class started to laugh at the little boy who was choking. When another boy noticed, he yelled saying, "It's not funny! People can die from choking!" I was so proud of my little guy. He stuck up for his classmate. I can tell that he is growing up and is ready to move onto first grade.

I have been thinking a lot about fostering a child or adopting a baby when I get older. At the school I am at there are a lot of foster kids. I feel like some foster parents really care about the well being of the child while some are only in it for monetary reasons. It is really sad to see some of the kids that are in the foster system not receive the same amount of family support than those that are not in the system. Every child deserves to be loved and to be the center of someone's world. I hate knowing that some of my kids aren't being treated the way that they deserve.

Quotes of the Day:

Student: Miss. Hobbs do you have a mom?
Me: Yes, I have two moms(mom and stepmom).
Student: (eyes get big) Do you know how old she is?
Me: Yep.
Student: (eyes get even bigger and she turns around and walks away)

Student: Miss. Hobbs I am leaving for Ireland on your birthday.
Me: Wow, is Ireland green?
Student: Oh yeah, it is even greener than a crayon and his shirt.
Me: That sounds really nice.
Student: Yeah. You know Miss. Hobbs, you're my favorite teacher. (tilts head and smiles)

(During Tiger Cub Interview)
Student 1: Who is your favorite teacher? Like do you prefer Mrs. Shouer, Miss. Hobbs, or Mrs. Lee?
Student 2: (after a lot of contemplation) Miss. Hobbs

Student 1: (angrily) My sister told me that you teach other classes!!! Is that true Miss. Hobbs?!
Class: (Gasps all around the carpet)
Me: Well, yes. Before I came here I taught third grade in Mrs. Burke's room, and sometimes when I am not here I go to different classrooms at different schools and am their teacher for the day.
Student 2: I don't like that.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

First Grade Visitation

Today was quite a good, but tiring day. I feel like waking up to sub is becoming harder and harder the closer it gets to summer. However, once I got to school, everything was just dandy. I had some prep work to do, but Kristine helped me by having the third graders assemble some work for me. Thank the lord, because it would have taken forever! It was pretty funny to watch all 30 kids form an assembly line and stack pages together. I am so thankful though! Kristine really is one of my best friends at Solorio. It is nice to go into the room and hang out with her when I am subbing the babies.

The kinders took a field trip to a first grade classroom today. I think once I mentioned that they had to sit in the room and listen to a story all of their faces went white. I could tell that they were really scared to meet a first grade teacher and see what the classroom was like. Once we entered the room my kids were more quiet than they have ever been! It was shocking and pretty funny. The teacher we visited was also the reading buddy teacher for my third graders, and I just think she is one of the nicest teachers at Solorio, so for my kinders to be scared is kind of silly. I have total confidence that they will succeed in 1st grade.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day Tea

I know I told you I would post about the Mother's Day Tea on Friday, but I clearly lied. I have been studying for my final, so my post was delayed. Fear not, however, because here is the update about the tea.

The tea was beautiful. The teachers did a wonderful job setting up and my students were so stinkin' cute! I love them.

Today I registered for my last two classes at La Verne! It was a little bittersweet. Sweet because they are my last two but bitter from the amount that just left my bank account. I can't wait to have my master's... now all I need is a job to go with it.

This summer I am tutoring a little boy that is going into 4th grade for 8 hours a week. I need to teach him all of the important 4th grade content standards. Since next week is my last week at La Verne for the semester, I need to start getting lesson plans ready. We will see how it goes. I hope I can teach him all the information before the new year. Eeeeek. His family is wonderful though. They go to school in Claremont and his mom is PTA president. If I could get in good with the district that would be positive.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

zoom zoom back to kindergarten

Hola blogger friends!

I went back and subbed for my babies today. It is kind of silly to admit, but I totally love going back and having my time with them. They make me laugh and give me something to do during the day. I love seeing them smile. Today they were shocked to see me in the morning. I love their surprised faces.

Tomorrow is Mother's Day Tea, so I will be going back to see the kids perform for their moms. Letty has been telling me all about the tea, so I am excited to be a part of it this year. I will have to fill you in all of the details tomorrow.

During snack time I let my kids go out to play a little early. That was the worst idea ever! Another kinder class was already outside playing. The kids all LOVE a little basketball hoop that is outside. I was watching students play when all of the sudden a child from another class pushed my kid! The mama bear instinct in me came out as soon as I saw my kid get pushed. I was so upset that I think the look on my face scared the kid a little. When I asked why he pushed my student he said that he didn't.... this kid should know by now not to lie to a teacher, but clearly he didn't, so I scared him even more and started to use hand gestures saying that I saw him push my kid. I think Letty could tell that I was upset about the whole situation because she came and calmly talked to the students about it. Phew, if she hadn't come over I would have sent that kid straight to the table to sit down. Now you know, don't touch my babies or I will give you my scariest face!

Tomorrow night ULV is having a dinner for all of the student teachers who have completed their student teaching. I am so excited to finally have come to this point in my life. I want to learn all about the quickest way to get my credential in the system and take time to celebrate the completion of the last five years of getting to this point.

Quote of the Day:

As we are walking to the Multipurpose Room:
Student: (touching a pole that helps hold the building up) Miss. Hobbs, I really love this pole!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Open House

I surprised my kids today by going back to Solorio to help set up for open house. I swear the best feeling in the world is having the little boogers run up to me and give me a hug. I didn't think I would go through kindergarten withdrawals, but even after one day of being gone, I was so glad to be able to go visit the kids today. I love seeing their faces and hearing their stories. I especially love what they say when they don't know I am listening.

After school Letty and I set up for open house a little, but for the most part her and the parents already had the majority of it done. The room looked amazing!! I couldn't stop staring at everything!

I ate dinner with Kristine and a couple other student teachers and another master teacher. I love listening to Kristine. She can always make me laugh.

During open house I was able to see a lot of my kids from both kinder and 3rd grade. It was really nice, but kind of sad realizing that they only have like 10 days left of school before they move onto the next grade. My dad and stepmom also came to open house which was really great. They were able to see where I have been working for the last school year. It meant a lot to me that they came.

While at open house a couple of parents walked up to me and we talked for a little while.One of my kinder parents walked up to me and thanked me for everything I had done for her daughter and the rest of the class. She said that I did an amazing job with the students and is grateful that her daughter was able to work with me. It is comments like that that allow me to stop questioning why I chose this profession. This mom is in the classroom a lot helping out and working with students. For her to take the time and thank me for the work I have done with the students really meant something to me. The fact that a parent said I did a great job meant something so much more than my university supervisor or master teacher... I feel like Judy and Letty are required to throw positive words towards me, but not parents. The fact that she took the time to talk to me made me feel like I had done something right in these children's lives. There were times when I felt like I was an awful kindergarten teacher, but the fact that she said she enjoyed watching me connect and teach the students really made an impact on me. I have had warm fuzzies all night thanks to her. =)

I will be going back to kinder Friday to sub, and next week I am subbing on Tuesday and Wednesday for Letty too, so it is kind of like I haven't really left at all, which is nice.

Here are the pics from our kinder room. I forgot to take pics of Kristine's.

Hula Party!

Here is the video of my kids dancing at the hula party! Enjoy!

Friday, May 4, 2012

10 Weeks Gone

10 weeks ago I didn't think I would be able to make it through teaching 32 kindergarteners. However, today I completed all ten weeks of my student teaching! I didn't think this day would come, and now that it finally has, I am reliving all of those weeks in my head. My journey was truly a tough one, and one I will never forget. I can honestly say, however, that it saddens me to officially be done with my time at Solorio. I loved having the opportunity to work with all of the faculty and staff at the school, especially my master teachers. I have learned a lot this past year, including how to be more patient, how to better pace myself, and how to roll with the punches. I don't think anyone could have asked for a better experience.

Truth be told, I really am going to miss my kindergarteners. Their personalities are each so wonderful and all their own. I am going to miss seeing them laugh when I make a mistake or dance to a silly song.

I can say, however, that today went off with a bang! We had a luau and all of the kids dressed up in their best Hawaiian garb. I must say, I have never seen anything quite so cute in my life. My kids (well their parents) really know how to go all out! We had a great time. At the end of the day my kids met with their reading buddies and performed the hula for parents, the principals, teachers, several students, and Judy. It was a really fun time. If I can figure out how to upload the video of them dancing I will.

Letty and the students also gave me A TON of gifts. I swear I have so many gifts from students that I am struggling to find room to place them in my room at home. I am so grateful for everything that I was given. Several bags worth of gifts. It was like Christmas but even better. I could cry just thinking about all of the books, markers, pencils, gift-cards, goodie baskets, and hand made cards students and Letty gave me. I love everything!

As mentioned previously, I am sad to have finished my student teaching at Solorio, but I am also excited to see what the future has in store for me. I look forward to soon applying for my teaching credential and hopefully one day soon have my own classroom.

If you are reading this and have supported me in any way throughout my journey, thank you! I can't believe next month I will have my teaching credential and in August I will have my masters!!! eeeeek.

Pictures of the Day:

Here is a collage of my last day. You should be able to click on it to enlarge the photo:

Here are some of my presents from the kids! SO MUCH STUFF!:

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


I know I have mentioned this before, but I hate the rain when there is school. Ugh, I was over the rain before the day even started! Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Four kids had to pull their behavior stick because they were misbehaving. That NEVER happens, so you can only imagine how off the wall my kids were.

TWO MORE DAYS LEFT!!! Today I was joking with my class and I pretended to cry because it was almost my last day. They probably thought I was crying out of sadness, but it was a cry of joy!

I am going to make the next two days count! Woo.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Fat Tuesday

At Solorio there are 8 student teachers total. Today we made treats for the teachers since it is our last week at the school. Everyone made such delicious treats. I think the staff enjoyed it too.

I have really grown to love my kinders. I don't think that teaching at that grade would be the best fit for me, it certainly isn't my first choice, but I am not overly opposed to it anymore. Although the kids drive me nuts at times, they really do have a special place in my heart. I am going to miss seeing them laugh everyday. It is going to be a challenge to get back into the subbing routine again.

A chubby kid in my class that always dances told me that his new profession was a spy then he trotted away dancing a crazy Lady Gaga dance. I don't expect to get that action in any other grade.

I received letters from Upland and Etiwanda stating that I will be rehired for the next school year as a sub. SO if I don't get hired on full time as a credentialed teacher somewhere, at least I know I will be subbing next year. I joke that one of the third grade teachers at Solorio needs to get pregnant so I can be her long term sub. I'll keep praying that a full time job will open up for Matt and myself in the local area though. That would alleviate a lot of stress.

Family members always ask me what I want for my birthday, so aside from wanting to see your happy faces, here are some ideas: Children's Books (for all reading levels), white board markers, bulletin board borders, or a themed book from this website: Click Here- Classroom Couture, and of course cold hard cash or gift cards are always appropriate... =P

If you are a teacher and/or a parent, in Upland off of Foothill and just East of Central, there is a Goodwill Bookstore with a TON of children's books as well books for teens and adults. Books are super cheap. My grandma introduced me to the store and I LOVE it! Check it out.

Picture of the Day: