Friday, March 30, 2012


Well, here is an update on life: Matt and I both have an interview at a school in Arizona on April 20th. We are really hoping for a position for each of us, so keep us in your prayers if you remember. I booked the flights and rental car today, so we are both pretty excited to get going.

Today I wore heels and Letty wore flats. She is the shortest teacher on staff and I am the tallest. This picture cracks me up. We make a great team though. We get things done PRONTO!

Happy Friday!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Spring Has Sprung!

No lie, I didn't really believe teachers when they said that after spring break kids start to go nuts. Well, I should have believed them. My kinders have been so talkative all week! It was starting to hurt my head today so I started whispering during my math lesson to see what students would pay attention. I think I am just going to have to start to get a little more stern with them, which makes me sad because I haven't made a kid cry yet, and I don't want to be known as the mean kinder teacher!

I started an intervention program with one of my students this week. We work together for about 55 minutes, before school, twice a week. He really struggles in school. Today we worked on being able to identify the letter "a" and the sounds the letter makes. On his assessment, he got a 74%. A 74% may not seem that exciting to you, but he improved from where he started at the beginning of the lesson which made me happy.

Today I was eating with a couple of the girls during snack time. I love to have conversations about things other than what we are learning during snack time. After we ate, a little girl told me that we were winners because we finished our snack. The things these kids say help me appreciate the little things... Like, who knew kids could find so much joy in finishing their snack or opening their lunch to find extra marshmallows?

After school I have a third grade fan club. A few of my students from third grade come visit me in the kinder area after school every day. It really is the highlight of my day a lot of the time. Not that I don't love the kinders, but I have a weird bond with my 3rd graders that just can't be changed. Today after school six of my third graders came and gave me a hug. They're like my groupies. I should make "Miss. Hobbs Fan Club" shirts, don't you think? Just kidding. Today a little boy asked me if I could be his student teacher again during the last three weeks of school after I'm done with kinder. He made my little heart melt... Love those kids.

Lately I have been a bit stressed about what the future is going to hold for me. I try not to let it show or talk about it too much, but I feel like I can't stop thinking about it. I know that whatever happens, happens for a reason, but I am still more stressed than I have been in a long long long time. I feel like almost anything can make me cry these days, so I'm sorry if I have acted strange towards you. For those that have been listening and who have been encouraging, I just want to say thank you. I know it may seem silly to worry about where I will be during the next school year, but just the fact that you listen makes me feel a little better. Thank you for believing in me, for the encouragement, and for the prayers.

Panera tomorrow morning before school with Letty.... my mouth is already watering.


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Back to the Grind

I survived the first day back from spring break... PHEW. I'm a sleepy gal.

Quote of the day:
Students were talking about a DJ dance party where boys take their moms to a dance.
Me: Are you taking your mom to the dance party?
Boy: Yeah, I'm going to lift her up like a ballerina!
Me: Awesome!
Boy: (whispering to his neighbor) Not really though, my mom has a BIG butt!!!

hahahah. Gotta love my kiddos.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Interview Day!

I have my first interview today for a school in Gilbert, AZ!

I know everyone says that it is too far away from family, but I think it would be a great opportunity for Matt and me.

The interview is via skype. I have only used skype once, so it'll be interesting.

My stepmom says that everything happens for a reason. I know she's right, but I'd really like to be offered the job.

The two people I have talked to on the phone seem really nice which is always a good sign.

If I do get the job I know I won't be in Arizona forever. I totally want to raise my kids out here in CA close to family and friends. I can't imagine having a family of my own and not seeing my relatives all the time. Yesterday I went to a family birthday party for Matt's side of the family and the whole time I was thinking, "How can I leave them? Priscilla is going to forget all about me." I guess I really just can't think about the negatives though. Gilbert really isn't THAT far away. If I get the job and accept it, I promise to come home every other month. A couple years in AZ won't hurt us. If anything it'll help us grow, I think.

Anyway, I am nervous about today. Gilbert seems like a really nice place to live though, from the research I have done. The school I am applying for seems like they expect a lot from their students and seems very involved with families, which is something I really like.

Prayers are appreciated.

EEK... here we go!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Read Across America Day

A few weeks ago we celebrated Dr. Seuss' birthday! The kids got to wear their pajamas and made cute hats in honor of Dr. Seuss.

Aren't they cute?

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


I think Ikea is the greatest place on the planet for reorganizing and inspiration!

Ever since Letty and I cleaned out the storage room at school I have been meaning to do the same for my room at home... I am a neat freak, just ask my boyfriend, sister, or parents. They will tell you.

So, today I went to Ikea and bought a bunch of new stuff to reorganize my room and get rid of clutter. The best part is, I bought 6 picture frames, 2 storage boxes, and 4 filing boxes for less than 20 bucks. I totally recommend you going to Ikea if you are in need of reorganization inspiration!

Anyway, I am telling you about my day because my room looks so clean that I can actually focus on writing the rest of my lessons for student teaching! So, hopefully by this time tomorrow I won't have a giant cloud over my head telling me to finish writing my lesson plans.

When I have a classroom, it is going to be Ikea'd out. Just you wait.

Happy Spring, everyone!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Spring Break

I thought I would love being on Spring Break, but today was pretty boring, aside from getting lunch with Kristine. We went to a pizza place near Victoria Gardens... it was quite tasty!

I actually miss prepping and planning... I know, I am weird.

I did, however, apply for my first job today. It is for a first grade class at a private school in San Dimas. The job would be for next year. Any prayers or good vibes sent my way would be greatly appreciated. I want my classroom so badly, I can taste it!

Friday, March 16, 2012


I went on a field trip with my kinders today! We went to a nature park in Fontana. I know, you are thinking "There's nature in Fontana?" Yes, I was surprised too, but it was pretty and the kids loved seeing ducks and geese.

Before we left, Letty ran an errand and I was on the bus with the kids so I started singing "The Wheels on the Bus" with the kids and parents. After the first verse I completely forgot how the song went! I stood there with 32 kids and like six parents staring at me! I told the parents I forgot the words and they all laughed at me. It was pretty funny, but they helped me remember, so it was a grand ole' time.

I never thought I would actually end up loving kinder as much as I do. At the beginning of my journey a few weeks ago, I thought I was going to die of an eye twitch I was so stressed, but now I actually look forward to my afternoon class. I can't go a day without a laugh or a story to take home. I think God answered my prayers when I prayed for patience and to eventually grow to love my class. =)

Here is a picture of me and a few of my favorite students. Aren't they just the cutest? The little girl on the left is moving. It makes me sad thinking that today was the last time I will see her. She is a leader, and it will be interesting to see how students do without her. At the end of the day she ran up to me and gave me a hug goodbye. I felt my heart drop a little bit, but I know she will do great things.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Week 4- Day 3

This week is going by s l o w. I think it is because I have TPA on the brain. But fear not, I have submitted the sucker and it is in the hands of the graders now.

I just love when my kinders laugh. It is like magic potion and just makes me laugh too.

After school my third grade students have been coming to visit me. It gives me warm fuzzies. It makes me feel like I did something right with them... Like I made an impact. There is no better feeling than when they come all the way over to kinder to say hello and give me a hug.

I brought in paintings that I made with Grammy today for Show and Tell. It was really cool to see the kids expressions when they saw the paintings. It was funny to hear the stories they told about their grandmas... I told them my Grammy is the best. Then I said that her and my Gramps know alllllll about them, and the kids' eyes popped wide open. It was pretty cute.

Quote of the day:
Another teacher told me this story...

Teacher: "Is that a picture of you or Miss. Hobbs?"
Girl: "Me. I don't have any white crayons, so I don't know how to draw Miss. Hobbs."

After hearing that, I think I need to go tanning. hahaha.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Week 4- Day 2

Today is the day that I can honestly say I am beginning to have a change of heart for teaching my little babies. Although I know that I would much rather prefer teaching an upper grade, I woke up looking forward to teaching my kids today. Don't get me wrong though, they could never replace my 3rd graders, my third graders will always be the first class I ever had a real chance to teach. Therefore, I know that no one could ever replace them. But my kinders are creating their own special little place in my heart.

I still dread centers with the morning class, and I am sure that is because I am bias towards them and would much rather laugh and play with my own class. But once my kids come for the afternoon, I have been enjoying the lessons I have been teaching them. I especially enjoy teaching my math lessons. I think I like teaching math because it is a whole class lesson. I am able to interact with all 32 students instead of just 4 kids like I do during centers.

I am becoming a little bit panicked about next year, however. I will have a teaching credential and a master's degree with no classroom thus far. I am trying to stay positive and hopeful that something will open up for me. I know God has a path for me, I just have to wait and see where he is going to lead me.... I just hope he leads me there soon.

Quote of the Day:
Student: What is your favorite shape?
Me: A diamond.
Student: Why?
Me: Because I want my boyfriend to put one on my finger one day.

hahahha. I crack myself up.

Only six questions left on my TPA! woowoo.

Monday, March 12, 2012

TPA 4 Taping

Ooof. The big day is over. I was videotaped for 20 minutes teaching a math lesson. Watching myself teach is super embarrassing. Grandpa Kelley is right, I do need to work on my posture a little bit I suppose.

There is a little girl in my class who kept smiling and waving at the camera. It is super cute, and rather than be annoyed with it, I am accepting the fact that she did it, and laughing at it.

Judy pulled me to the side after my lesson and told me that she was super impressed and proud of the way I have adapted to the students. She knows kinder is not my preferable grade, so hearing that she thinks I taught a great lesson to these students means a lot to me. I think she is going to be the person who helps me continue to believe in myself during these next few weeks of student teaching. Although I am beginning to enjoy the students more and more every day, I do second guess my pacing of lessons and my patience with students at times. So, hearing Judy's comments are helpful and they continue to keep me motivated. Of course, Letty is also helpful, and I know I can email Kristine for a laugh, so knowing there are people on my side to help me become the best teacher I can be is keeping me motivated.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

So, my birthday is coming up in May.

In a not-so-secretive way I am going to tell you what I want:

These are themed books for a classroom. So each year, your classroom has a different theme. Senior year of my undergrad the two creators of the books came in and introduced us to their themed classrooms. Super neat. The creators of the books are teachers in the Chino Valley Unified School District, and they use their themes in their classroom, so you know it works.

Anyway, if you are a teacher, or thinking about being one, you should look at them too.

As always, thanks for reading my blog!

Friday, March 9, 2012


There was no school today but Letty and I still went to the classroom and cleaned out and organized the room.

It was a nice day. I think we were able to bond a little bit more which is nice. We went out for sushi after we were finished.

It was a nice day.

I hope I survive Monday with the time change.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Love is a big word.

I have the cutest kids in kinder. Maybe it is because I get to teach them more than the morning class, but I think my afternoon class is way better behaved and less "cry baby" about life. Praise the lord.

I went to pick up my kids from the library today and this is what went down:

Me: "Boy and girls, were you on your best behavior?"
Girl: "Yeah! We got to do the hokie pokie!"
Me: "Awesome!!!"
Me: "I love you too girlfriend."
Boy: "I love you too Miss. Hobbs"
Me: "I love you too pal."

Awww. little babies. It made my day.

Later in the day, the kid with all of the girlfriends and I had a conversation:
Me: "How's your girlfriend."
Boy: "I have a hundred and fifty girlfriends!"
Me: "Whoa you are popular! What are all of their names?"
Boy: "Miss. Hobbs."
Me: "What?"
Boy: "You're my girlfriend!"


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Week 3- Day 3

One of the million reasons why I love Kristine Burke:

That's right, she brought me a diet coke, fries, and grilled cheese for lunch just like old times. It was like eating a piece of heaven. AND I even got to have a couple of her cookies today. I told her to give me the recipe in her will. Hopefully she will remember me like 50 years from now so I can have it. ;)

During centers this morning a little kid started to sing "Red Solo Cup" by Toby Keith. I'm sure he has no idea what the song means, but it was pretty funny to hear him sing it.

Letty and I held a Family Literacy event for parents after school today for struggling students. Three parents came and it was really nice to teach them about phonemic awareness and discuss how to help their student in school.

Monday, March 5, 2012

The Team

Here is a picture of the team I work with at Solorio Elementary. The woman with brown hair standing directly next to me is Kristine, my third grade master teacher. The woman directly in front of me is Letty, my kindergarten master teacher.

Everyone on the team is amazing. I am lucky to work with them.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Ant Farm

I am assigning myself homework this weekend: Watch "Ant Farm" and "Jesse" on the Disney Channel... my kids love to talk about those two shows during snack time and I am SO out of the loop! Come over and join me in watching these exciting shows!

In honor of Dr. Seuss' birthday I read "The Cat in the Hat" today after students returned from the library. There is a part in the book when Thing 1 and Thing 2 take a dress out of the closet. When I asked a student what it was a picture of he kept screaming, "It's a bra, It's a bra, It's a bra!!!!" I tried to hold in a laugh but I couldn't help it, he really did think the dress was a bra!

On our walk from the kindergarten area to their reading buddies (which is on the other side of campus) the same little boy that screamed "bra" ran up to the front of the line with no shoe on yelling that his shoe came untied. I just laughed and told him to put it back on and we would tie it once we got to the classroom. I mean really, who thinks to take their shoe off and run around campus with just socks on? Apparently him.

I survived week 2. Next week is a 4 day week and I have a staff development to go to Monday. HOLLER!

Thursday, March 1, 2012


32 kids + Miss. Hobbs + Thursday = Miss. Hobbs' head exploding.

By the time Thursday rolls around, I am toast with the little ones. They really are exhausting! So, unless you really need me, avoid me on Thursdays.

Today my master teacher told me that she talked to the principal at my school and the principal said she has been very impressed with my performance. That is always nice to hear. I don't think the principal at my school could ever say anything negative about anyone. She is really supportive and SO SO SO nice. I've never met a principal quite like her. You can tell she really cares about her students as well as her teachers.

A little boy always smiles at me. He is a chubby little fella and every time he smiles his cheeks turn red. I look forward to seeing him everyday. He always sings songs by Diana Ross and today during snack time he was on the playground dancing and singing "Stop! In the Name of Love". When I asked what he was singing, he told me and said he sings the song just like Diana Ross and the Supremes. He is a really serious kid, so it is really cute to see him sing the song with such enthusiasm.

Another boy in my class cannot identify letters yet. I don't know what to do to help him. He receives extra support, but during centers when I work with him to write a letter to the Tiger Cub of the Week, he writes jibberish and gives up if I try to help him. It is really frustrating and really sad. I found my patience wearing thin as I was trying to help him... that is something I need to work on. Patience.

I am looking forward to tomorrow! I am reading Dr. Seuss stories and prepping for a few of my upcoming lessons. It feels good to be able to teach and not sit in the back of the classroom. I go nuts just sitting there.