Monday, April 8, 2013

Updating... Finally!

Hey Friends! Long time no see!!!

Sorry it took me so long to update. Lots of exciting things have been happening on my end. For starters, Matt proposed to me last month!!! We have already started planning, and 11 months from today I will be married to my best friend. How amazing is that?

As you probably know, my long term ended about a month ago with my first graders. It was really hard to say goodbye, and I cried a few times but I knew that was going to happen. My first graders were so excited to hear the news of our engagement. One of my students, Juan, asked me every morning if Matt and I could get married in the classroom before the end of the year. The kiddos loved to look at my ring. It was so cute!!! The other day I was subbing for my friend Kari and I saw my first graders at an assembly. A little girl from my first grade class looked at me and mouthed, "Miss. Hobbs, are you married yet?" I just love them... Six year olds never forget.

Getting back into the groove of subbing for different classes has been a real challenge for me. Although I enjoy getting to know different kiddos in all grade levels, I hate knowing students for a day and then going somewhere new. Luckily, I have been able to sub for Letty and Kari a couple times which is always like home when I enter the classroom. They have the cutest kids, I swear.

I have still been applying to different jobs for next school year. Keep praying, because there is one job in particular I would really love having and can't stop praying about. I have been making flashcards to help prepare me for interviews. I wish I was a better interviewer but I just freeze up when it actually comes time to talk. Of course, in the car on the way home I always remember what I should have said and curse myself for not thinking of it at the time.

Today I subbed for a junior high math class at my old jr high. It is so funny to hear kids complain about certain teachers because I remember complaining about them too. I remember one teacher specifically who I thought partnered with the devil when I was in school. I got a D in her math class and for the most part, I was a pretty good kid. Today kids were still complaining about her. It was pretty funny and just went to show that the jr high drama never ends.