Monday, December 17, 2012

Lucky Lady

I subbed for a third grade class today at my former elementary school. I had a great group of students, but nothing too exciting occurred. I can say, though, that I felt much more aware of my surroundings today, constantly looking out the window and keeping even closer tabs on my students than usual. I suppose you can say that recent events have caused me to care even more about each little one that crosses my path and appreciate each of them more.

Tonight I went to dinner with my friend Letty. Her son also came. It is always really nice to meet with her and catch up. We have a great time together. I have learned so much from her and always look forward to hearing what she has to say. I know that a lot of people do their student teaching and then never talk to their master teacher again- I have remained close with both my master teachers. Letty has already taught me so much and I know she is a big reason why I have grown to love kindergarten. She also gave me a dynamite goody bag with my favorite- nail polish, birds nest treats, and pretzels with chocolate and m&m's. I am so thankful to have a friend like Letty. =)

One of Letty's students bought me a Christmas gift! So precious. I had her brother in my kinder class last year during student teaching, but receiving a gift was totally unexpected. It is hot chocolate and chocolate... Obviously the family has learned the way to my heart. I love it.

Picture of the Day:

I'm so spoiled =)

Saturday, December 15, 2012


I am still processing what happened in Newtown yesterday and I still feel sick every time I think about it.

When I first heard the news about what was going on my mind went to my students at Solorio.

I can't imagine having something like that happen to my students or to my friends. When I heard that a kinder class was missing, I thought about what I would be feeling if Letty's class went missing. Words can't even describe what I would have felt if a class I have grown to care so much about was hurt or harmed. I have grown to love the students I work with so much that the thought of anyone harming them makes me angry and I ache.

I know I am not a parent, and I am completely aware of the fact that I have very little teaching experience, but I can also tell you that I have always been a person who loves others unconditionally (sometimes far too much). I feel for the families and children that have lost their lives and have been stricken of their innocence. I pray for the families and the children. I know that God is with them during this time. I am disgusted that people can act out in such a horrific way, but I also pray that in the future we will be able to help those with mental illnesses prior to something so awful occurring.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

1st Grade

My brain is on excitement overload right now. My long term sub job has officially been put in the system and today I shadowed Danielle to get ready to take over after break on January 7th!

I was able to finish the prep work for my first two weeks there and I taught the math lesson. Students were a little chatty while I was teaching so I am going to have to be stern when I go in next month. I am so stinkin excited. I am already in love with my class.

I have a little bit of jitters, but who wouldn't, right? I am confident that I will work well with students and know that I have support at Solorio, which is always reassuring.

After lunch today the students in first grade practiced for their performance later in the year. I thought it was hilarious. There was a little boy who dozed off like twelve times when he should have been singing, two of my kinders from last year stared off into outer space the whole time, and the hand movements were precious.

Quote of the Day:

Me: Did anything happen at lunch today?
Student: Yeah.
Me: What happened?
Student: Well, at lunch, this boy screamed the word "NUTS!" and I said don't say that word because it is a bad word because it is your private parts (takes hands and covers his privates)! So I said to the lunch lady that he said nuts and she made me change my seat!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Whine Wednesday

Today was far too intense for me. I subbed half day kinder and half day for my third graders. PHEW.

Today I had to test the kinders on their numbers. The first small group I tested was just dandy, but the other group made me want to crawl over and poke my eyes out. Getting them to write a number was like pulling teeth. It just wasn't my day. Oh, and let us not forget about the kid that asked if I was having a baby. Apparently I am becoming a fatso.

Then my third graders were a little out of control. They were great when I first got there, but after lunch students attitudes shifted. By the end of the day I was so over the tattling, calling out, and whining that I didn't let them do their art activity and instead made them clean their desks and the floor for 30 minutes. I can guarantee they will believe me the next time I tell them to listen to directions or they won't be participating in activities.

Quote of the Day:

Student: Miss Hobbs, are you single?
Me: Nope.
Student: Whaaaaat? Oh heckkk no.
Me: Why?
Student: Oh uhhh, I'm workin for someone and he's gotta know.
Me: Uhh ok.
(about an hour later)
Student: Miss. Hobbs, you gotta break up with your man, Matt.
Me: How do you know his name?
Student: I work for the big guy.
(A few minutes later I was walking around the room and I noticed that my student had made a Naughty and Nice List for Santa. See who is on it below...)

Picture of the Day:

Yes, Matt is on the naughty list. It was pretty funny. My student thought he was the funniest kid on the planet ;)... He is totally one of my favorite kids.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Bucket Fillers

There is a book for kids called Have You Filled a Bucket Today? by Carol McCloud. Aside from Love You Forever, it is totally my favorite children's book. The book talks about how everyone has an invisible bucket. The goal is to fill each others bucket with kind words and happy thoughts. People who fill their neighbor's buckets are called "bucket fillers". There are also people who are "bucket dippers"- or people who take from other people's bucket by giving negative comments to others. Although this book is aimed at kids, I urge you to always remember to at least attempt to be a bucket filler.

I subbed for Letty again today. There were 6 kids absent today! I think the flu is going around- hopefully they are back tomorrow.

I can't believe there are only 7 days left of school before break! Wahoo.

Tomorrow I am subbing half day for Letty, Wednesday is half day for Letty and my third graders, Thursday is my first graders, Friday I don't have anything yet =(. Then next week I have two half days and am visiting my first graders Wednesday. I can't believe in less than a month I will be long terming! I am so excited (but a little nervous too)!

Quote of the Day:

(If I had money, a house, and if the parent's were willing, I would totally adopt this child... his personality is hilarious!)

Me: Do you need help opening that?
Student: Miss. Hobbs, if you were my girlfriend I'd never let you go!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Feliz Blah-di-daad

Well, after three days of subbing kindergarten, today I finally found the paper that has all of the words to the Christmas songs kids need to know (thanks, Kari). So, when it was time to practice, the kids and I walked through each line together... or at least I attempted to walk through each line. They were quite goofy and giggly today, though, so it was hard to get them to listen to me sing and then have them follow. Every time I started to sing, they started to sing, then they started to laugh. Finally, I just gave up and we all ended up singing together because getting them to listen to me first and then sing was a total epic fail. At least they were having fun though.

During centers the kids are writing a letter to Santa. Some of the letters have been really funny. Kids are asking for ipods, ipads, doctor sets, and race-cars. My two favorite are below.

Yes, that says she wants a broom for Christmas. Then she told me that she was coloring Santa's mustache brown because her dad is brown. I just love that little girl.

This little girl told me she wanted a big bike, then she told me she wanted a small bike, but finally she decided that she wanted a medium size bike. Too cute!!!

Quotes of the day:

Me: You need to finish your letter.
Student: Awwwwww, Nards!!!!

Me: Ok, repeat after me- Feliz Navidad
Student: Feliz blah-didaaaaaa!
Me: Listen to what I'm saying- Fe-liz Navi-dad
Student: Feliz Plah-di-dad?

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Princesses, obviously

Happy Birthday Walt Disney!

To honor Walt Disney's birthday, the staff and students were able to dress in their Disney garb today. My friend Katie and I don't have any Disney clothes, so we improvised- I made tutus and she bought tiaras. Together we made a couple of really cool princesses. I just love us. We got some pretty crazy looks from kids throughout the day (or at least I did) but I just don't care. I love us.

At the end of the day the secretary saw me and told me that our principal almost didn't come out and take over duty for me because she thought the tutu was an exciting addition to the morning traffic. I just love the principal and staff at my school. It is such a fun atmosphere.

Here is a picture of us:

Quote of the Day:

(Student was working on counting his math and I was still wearing my tutu and tiara)
Student: Umm, Mrs... Princess? Is this right?

Monday, December 3, 2012


My friend Letty is out of town this week and Monday so I am taking over her kindergarten class. I just love this group of kids. The last time I was there they were a little crazy but today everything went really smoothly. There are only a couple rascals in my class that enjoy making me slightly loco, but I can pretty much handle the craziness.

I never thought I would say it, but I love love love kindergarten now, especially when I teach it for Kari or Letty. The kids are great and I love that I know the routine.

The students are practicing for their Christmas performance and listening to them sing the songs is pretty hilarious. I know I am supposed to help them learn the words, but I'm pretty sure they know them better than I do. Today the kids were practicing Feliz Navidad and they were looking at me like I knew the words. I seriously make up random noises when I sing that song because I have no idea what is being said. SO, if the kids end up singing the wrong words during their performance, I sincerely apologize.

Today I set up an appointment to meet with a surgeon to get my wisdom teeth removed. I have been putting this off for years, so I guess the time is now. I scheduled to get them taken out on January 2nd, so hopefully I'm hoping Ill be recovered by the time I start my long term the week after. I am cutting it close, but that is the earliest time they had. Yikes.

Quotes of the Day:

1. (Students were cutting out green trees for Christmas and a kid's hand was shaking without him realizing it)
Student: Oh my gosh MISS HOBBS LOOK- My tree is shaking!

2.)(At the end of the day there were two students waiting to be picked up by their parents)
Me: Well, I guess the three of us are just going to have to have a sleepover.
Student 1: No, we can't I snore too loud.
Student 2: Yeah, plus when I get home I need to take a POOP!