Friday, February 22, 2013

The Grateful Story

My class is in the lead for the read-a-thon apparently. Which means that maybe I will be able to go in the limo to in n out with my lucky lucky kiddos! I will probably be more excited than my kids to go in a limo! I haven't been since prom. One of the other first grade teachers is only 10 dollars behind me, and we are both pretty competitive so it should be interesting to see what happens!

My friend told me about something Oprah did called "The Grateful Journal" where you write down things that you were grateful for that day. For lent this year I have decided to do that, so why not incorporate it into my blog? After all, most of the time the things I am grateful for comes from my kids.

Here is what I am grateful for today:

1. I am grateful for morning flag ceremonies on Fridays. Even though it makes us run late the rest of the day, my kids are always in a better mood. Today all 24 of us walked like a choo-choo train all the way back to class. And we walked like that again after lunch.

2. I am grateful for my friend Katie. She brought me a big bag of reese's minis... which are totally my favorite candy ever. AND it was dark chocolate reese's which were even better than regular ones. I think I gained weight. I ate so many in the morning that I didn't even eat my lunch today. FATTY PATTY CALLED AND WANTS HER CANDY BACK!

3. I am grateful for my friends Kristine and Tara who helped me with parent drama.

4. I am grateful for people checking up on me to make sure I was doing better today.

5. I am grateful for Pinterest because the art project we did today turned out looking completely disturbing, so I will need to find a new project for our board.

6. I am grateful for a teacher asking me when I would be able to sub for her, because I totally didn't think she knew I existed until today.

Quote of the Day:

(I wore my hair beach wavy today)
Student (in his Spanish accent): Ms. Hobbs, why is your hair like that?
Me: You mean wavy?
Student: Yeah, it looks weird.... I don't like it.

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