Wednesday, February 13, 2013


I woke up this morning with a headache. Luckily, as soon as I saw the smiling faces on my kids, I felt much better. A little girl from the class across the hall walked up to me and gave me a heart lollipop that she made last night... So sweet! The kiddos are getting really excited for Valentines Day tomorrow. It should be fun. I am making brownies with strawberry cake on it. I made it last year for Matt and he really liked it.

I received an email from my principal the other day telling me that she was really glad I took the jobshare next year. I am really excited about having a job I know I will be able to rely on once a week, but I was still really nervous about whether or not taking the job share was a good idea. Carol, my principal, said she thought taking the job share was the right decision and was really happy for me. Knowing that Carol, a person I really look up to, supported my decision made me feel that much better. Thank goodness! Also, a big thanks to family and friends who have been so supportive. Love you all! Tomorrow after school I am going in to sign the proposal! Woohoo

I am a little bummed because there is a chance that I won't be able to start my long term for third grade this year. I was really looking forward to working in third grade. I know the kids really well, and I am pretty familiar with the third grade team, so if the teacher goes out earlier than expected I am going to be super bummed. I love knowing where I am able to sub every day, and I love being able to form relationships with students when I do my long term jobs. Knowing that I am going to have to go back to subbing at random schools with kids I don't know is driving me crazy. I hate having to go to a million different schools. It is so nice to know a student's name when you enter the class and know the routine. Please pray that everything works out for me. I was really looking forward to this opportunity.

Quotes of the Day:

Student: Ms. Hobbs! He was just humping me while I was doing the splits!

Student: You look like an angel today.

Student: Ms. Hobbs, are you going to dress up nicely for the most romantic day of the year?

Picture of the Day:

My kids know that diamonds are my favorite shape, so a little girl brought me a "diamond" and a few kiddos gave me conversation hearts yesterday. Love it!

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