Wednesday, February 6, 2013


I have decided that when I have kids of my own they are not allowed to move past the third grade. I see the kids I taught last year that are now in fourth grade and I have to look twice because they have changed so much. One of my students last year was a short little girl and today I saw her and I swear she shot up a good four inches. Another student from last year has turned from being one of the funniest to one of the most serious boys I have ever seen. They are still amazing kids, but they are growing up too fast! No thanks. My future children are not allowed to grow up. I have a difficult time seeing my students grow up, I can only imagine what it will be like with my own flesh and blood. I will probably cry for days.

I accidentally said "oh, heck" today in class and I thought my kids were going to bury me alive! I dropped something and when I said it I immediately wanted to rewind time to take back the words. "Heck" to my first graders is like throwing out the F bomb. DON'T SAY IT! I said sorry and everyone forgave me but I was in steep water for a second.

One of my students got a citation today for threatening another student. Another one had to pull his behavior clip to orange because he tried to push a girls legs so she would fall over on the playground. I talked to both parents after school and they were less than thrilled about their child's behavior. Good times.

My theatre teacher from high school is finding out information for me about how I can get my real estate license. I know I have to take a test and I am pretty sure I have to take a few classes, but I have no idea where to begin! Funny enough, she was also a teacher for several years as well as a real estate agent. Now she just does real estate. I have been talking about getting it for years, and I think now that I am done taking classes at La Verne I can start a new adventure. I don't necessarily want to give up teaching for real estate, but my obsession with houses would shock most of you. I have worked too hard to find a job in teaching and plan to keep searching for my big opportunity to have my own classroom, but I think real estate would be interesting and exciting. I hope everything works out.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Dropping like flies

My kiddos are dropping like flies! I only had 19 students in class today because four of them were sick. I am finally starting to feel a little better. My head is a little stuffed and I feel really tired, but I am better than I was before.

I feel like I am getting to know a couple teachers from the first grade team a little better than before. I am kind of shy and sometimes I feel like I come off as being rude, but I don't mean to be. Luckily, I think I am finally opening up and am able to talk to people on my team a little more. Everyone is nice and willing to help if I need it, so I feel like a lucky lady.

I am a little nervous about what my future holds over the next few months. I have been planning on being able to save a certain amount of money but if everything doesn't go as planned I have no idea what I am going to do. I am becoming stressed about several things which makes me become really emotional. I know things will turn out the way they are supposed to, but I am a planner and if things don't work out for me I freak out.

Monday, February 4, 2013


I can't believe I am starting my 5th week with my students! Time is flying by so quickly!

Another exciting Monday for this girl! Kids were awesome today for the most part. Unfortunately, three students in my class are sick and missed school today. Poor babies! There was only one slight hiccup to report today.

After lunch one of my students told me that another student said she was going to murder everyone. My kids are super sweet so I was shocked that something like that had even been said. I really wasn't sure how to handle the situation but the girl that was accused of saying she was going to murder everyone was balling her eyes out telling me over and over that she didn't say it. I talked to Kristen to figure out what to do and she said to call the office. The office had me send my student down to talk to the principal. I had to send several more students down to talk to her to get the full story. In the end, it was like a game of telephone. My student never actually said that, but people heard that she said it from other students and rumors were spread. The principal came in and explained the situation to my class and viola, everything was back to normal- thank goodness!

Kristen and I are doing a fun valentine activity that we found on Pinterest! I am excited to try it next week! I am a little nervous about it because it involves finger paint and blowing paint out of a straw, but if it turns out crazy, you can't say we didn't try something new!

My parents haven't been doing a swell job of coming and helping after they signed up and I have a lot of prep to get done this week, so I sent a note home to parents to remind them of their days. Hopefully they remember to come. There is one mom in my class that is totally amazing! This morning she walked in and said that if I need her to help to just shoot her an email or let her know before school. Thank goodness for her! =)

Quote of the Day:

Student: Man, I've got itches in my britches!

Friday, February 1, 2013

The only thing that appears to be going how I planned is my long term. My kids put a smile on my face everyday. The poor kids tested alllll morning long but they hung in there like rock-stars. They are amazing kids.

I am freaking out about next year. I can't keep subbing if I am going to be able to move forward with my life. I don't know what to do. I am so overwhelmed.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Cultural Performance

I got sick and I feel like a train ran me over. My throat is killin me and I have a stuffy head. Letty told me to try Zicam so I went and bought some after work. Hopefully it works quickly!

My kids had their cultural performance today. They all looked so cute! For the most part everything went well. One of the songs kept skipping which caused the kiddos to go a little nuts. The second time the music stopped two kids from MY class yelled something out after I had already had a conversation with them about waiting patiently. It was pretty embarrassing but what are you going to do? I am still proud of their performance so I told them I would bring them a treat tomorrow.

Today two of my students pulled their behavior clips to orange and lost recess, which is a first for me. Lordy, lord, lord. One of my students said "what the hell" on the playground, and if you read my quotes of the day, you will find a reason as to why my other student pulled his clip down after already running through the halls and talking alllll morning long.

My friend Kristine had an ice cream celebration for her kids today and she brought me some. Bless her soul! It was so stinkin' good.

I found a project having to do with Groundhog Day so tomorrow the kiddos and I are going to make it. I am pretty excited to try something new with them. We all need to have a little fun after Friday tests!

Quotes of the Day:

Me: Boys and girls it makes me sad when you don't say words that are allowed at school. Think about what you are saying before you say it.
(a few minutes pass)
Me: Go pull your pin.

Student 1: Ms. Hobbs how come you get ice cream?
Student 2: I think I know why!
Me: Why?
Student 2: Because you are a rock-star!!!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Monday and Tuesday

The flu is going around and I realllly hope that my flu shot is going to do its job! I CANNOT get sick. I was walking through the halls today and I saw a kid getting walked to the nurse with a barf bag-- I would have probably puked if I had to walk that kid to the office. Poor little fella =(

Yesterday a little boy cried all morning long. He is a serious kid and is super sweet but he also doesn't play with kids his age a lot, or so it seems. After recess, I asked my students to make him feel better by being sure to play with him and sit with him at lunch. One of my student's raised his hand and said "Ms. Hobbs, he can sit and play with me today! I am super nice and love making new friends." Then he walked up to my sad student and said, "You look like you could use a hug, come here." and proceeded to hug the little boy. Sweetest thing ever, right?!! Gosh I love my kids- they all have such big hearts.

I was feeling really off of my game today. This morning we had rehearsal for the first grade performance and I felt like I was messing everything up which kind of put me in a weird mood. I thought the door my students are supposed to enter through was closed, but it turned out that it wasn't, and then my students lined up backwards, which took up even more time, then I couldn't get the timing of the Powerpoint to work. THEN I remembered that I forgot to send my students to the library to return their books and pick up a new one for reading. I just felt like I was messing everything up. Anyway, Letty came into the lounge today and gave me a hug. I don't think she even realized that I needed a hug, but it totally made me feel 10x better. Thank you, Letty!

I love that the third graders I am supposed to start long terming for in March run up to me everyday and say hi. I don't even think they are aware that I am going to be long terming for them, but I am so glad that they come say hi to me whenever they see me. It makes me feel like a rockstar.

Quotes of the day:

Student: Um, excuse me? Those two boys (points to two kids in my class) were peeing in the same toilet bowl together...

(Two of the third graders I am supposed to be long terming for ran up to me)
Students: MISSSSSSSS. HOBBBBBBBS! (hugs me)
Me: Hi boys.
Student 1: Hey Ms. Hobbs, we have a question.
Me: Ok, what?
Student 2: Are you still dating Matt?
Me: Yep.
Me: Why?
Student 2: Because now we can't marry you!
Student 1: Do you have your phone?
Me: Who do you need to call?
Student 1: My future mother-in-law.
Me: Who?
Student 1: Your mom, DUHHHH!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Busy Busy Week!

So sorry for not updating at all last week! By the time I got home every night I was pooped out and forgot to update this bad boy. Let me fill you in on the highlights...

I love my class, obviously. There is no question about that. I am becoming very attached to them and I know it is going to be realllly hard to give them back.

On Tuesday and Wednesday I taught my ELA common core lesson to students. The books that they had to make about wild cats were AMAZING! I was reading through them and they all did above and beyond what I had expected. I am so proud of them.

My students have a cultural performance on the 31st and I feel kind of bad because I still don't know all of the hand moves so I am always peeking over at the other teachers and following along with them. I am sure everything will run smoothly though.

There is a little girl in my class who loves to tell me stories. In the middle of a lesson she raised her hand and told me I'm invited to her tea party birthday party in a few months. Then she raised her hand in the middle of math and told me a story about her dad. I eventually had to tell her to tell me her stories during recess because she was getting me off track. I love hearing her stories though. Too cute.

I'm not sure if you have heard the "Gangnam Style" style song or watched the dance, but one of the little boys in my class does the dance every day! I don't even think he realizes that he is doing it, but it is seriously the cutest thing ever. I totally get that kids can't sit for all hours of the day so I let them stand behind their chairs if they are becoming restless. This boy was reading a story and he just started randomly doing the Gangnam Style dance. Lord it made me sad that I had to make him stop and read his book because it was hilarious.

I am getting nervous about having a job next year. I am praying something comes along. It is so stressful not knowing if I will still be subbing next year or if I will have my own classroom!

Still loving my time and thankful for this experience. I don't want it to end.

Pictures of the Week:

One of my students drew that for me and then requested that I take a picture of it so I don't forget about what it looks like. ;)

My friend Katie sent this to me in an email. She is so presh.

Quotes of the Week:

Me: Zip those lips!
Student: And plant those hips?

(Referring to a necklace that says M C on it)
Student: Miss. Hobbs what does your necklace mean?
Me: It means Matt loves Cassie. My boyfriend got it for me for Christmas. His name is Matt and my name is Cassie.
Student: Cassie Hobbs? That's weird. Are you and your boyfriend married?
Me: Nope.
Student: Why won't he marry you?
Me: You should write him a letter and ask him.
Student: That is a great idea!

Student 1: Next Christmas I am going to bring you a present.
Student 2: Mrs. Wilson will be back by then.
Student 1: Well, Ms. Hobbs will be here too so I will bring them both a present.

Me: I love all of my students because you're all rock stars.
Student: We love you too Miss. Hobbs, but only as a teacher or else that would just be weird.